Obama Pays Tribute To Mandela

ScreenHunter_10 Dec. 10 19.17

ScreenHunter_11 Dec. 10 19.18

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to Obama Pays Tribute To Mandela

  1. NikFromNYC says:

    Nigeria = Scam World, who cares Niggas, we in the money boom boom blonde yeah yeah. Republicans will run their suave sexy pizza Oreo against Hillary, and lose. Nobody will ever speak out for fiscal fixes and social self-determination both, ever. Democracy is broken, thus bust. China is gaining in breast size, but not height, to white Man’s delight. Today’s poverty is big screen TVs and phat bootie. Over at WUWT this week, month and year are thousand word graph footnotes obscure. Decades of decadence, gilded poverty, fake philosophy. Kill archaic religion, and move on. The Bible is BULLSHIT. Science, circa 2013, is BULLSHIT. Manhattan is the only true high bandwidth social media. The envious rest of you: cry! Tribally battle away, losers.

  2. Dave N says:

    Michelle looks none too happy about being left out of the shot 😉

  3. Did he got on stage before or after Raul, or did they share the podium?

  4. Chuck says:

    This man is an epic scum bag.

  5. gofer says:

    A later picture shows Michelle sitting between them. Guess she stopped that!

  6. Kaboom says:

    Why shouldn’t he be happy? He came to bury one of his heroes, got to shake hands with another one and took a pictures of himself, an attractive blonde and his dog.

  7. John B., M.D. says:

    Did anyone notice that the speakers at Mandela’s service were all Communists and Socialists? Scary thing is Obama was the farthest to the RIGHT of all of them.

  8. Robertv says:

    If dear leader shows he is human it’s OK

    “The only thing that picture made me feel was that for a moment they did not look like the THREE world leaders (did I mention, she is the Danish Prime Minister?) that they are. They looked human; excited; in awe of their surroundings.”

    But if a 6-year-old boy does the same it’s sexual harassment

    “The boy’s mother tells KRDO-TV her son was suspended once before for kissing the girl and had disciplinary problems, but the girl did not object to being kissed. She told the station that the two children like each other.”

  9. philjourdan says:

    You should have used the picture after this one as well – where Moochelle puts herself between the blond and the bimbo! Someone slept on the couch last night! 😉

  10. Adam Gallon says:

    And our idiot Prime Minister completes the threesome.

  11. kuhnkat says:

    You know Mooooshell is thinking, “why did I let them talk me into marrying this (burning piece of wood).”

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