Obama’s Chicago Sons Murder Five Year Old – No Speech From The Oval Office

ScreenHunter_262 Dec. 02 17.51

Larry Cox, 28, of the 1400 block of West 85th Street, faces first-degree murder charges and an attempted murder charge in connection to the June 28 incident.

Cox and Antonio Lewis, 18, who is already charged in the dual killings, were looking to rob the home where Chavonne Brown, 31, and her son, 5-year-old Sterling Sims, lived, Assistant State’s Attorney Latoya Croswell said Sunday in Cook County Bond Court.

Lewis followed Brown into her home in the 5300 block of South Winchester Avenue around 2:30 a.m. on June 28, after she took her fiance to work, Croswell said.

While Cox lingered in the car, Lewis entered Brown’s home and shot both Brown and her son in the head, according to Croswell.

Lewis also tried to shoot Sterling’s 11-year-old brother, but his gun malfunctioned, according to Chicago police.

Cox and Lewis fled the scene with plans to split the proceeds from the burglary, Croswell said.

Later that day, Cox called a third person and arranged to have that person kill Lewis, Croswell said.

Cox told the third person, who has not been charged, that he would give him a half-pound of marijuana for killing Lewis, according to Croswell.

Cox and the third person met up with Lewis and drove to the 2800 block of West Arthington Street so Lewis could retrieve the stashed murder weapon before leaving town, according to Croswell and court records.

Once there, the third person shot Lewis 11 times, according to Croswell.

2nd man charged in Sterling Sims, Chavonne Brown slayings – chicagotribune.com

I expect that Barry, Jesse and Al will be holding protest marches and making speeches about this very soon.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Obama’s Chicago Sons Murder Five Year Old – No Speech From The Oval Office

  1. Pathway says:

    On the good new front death by abortion was down last year to 750,000 children.

  2. Bob Knows says:

    Did Obama’s sons have any Skittles? Eating Skittles excuses all crime.

  3. jeremy says:

    If its not a white on black crime there will be no al sharpton or messy jackson or no media, so steve you should apoligize for being racist for bringing this story to light. Im a racist for pointing out the fact that two thirds of the prisons population in this country are blacks. political correctness black hipocracy and liberlism work together for this black victomization bullshit.

  4. Gary H says:

    A year back, just weeks prior to the election, and not that far from Obama’s Chicago neighborhood, 6 black men abducted a 14 year old black girl walking to school (curiously, a few months back, Michelle Obama called on all children to walk to school – either a healthy, or an environmental theme). The men took her to a deserted building and gang raped her all day long.
    Obama said nothing, and his media followed suit – nothing was to interfere with his winning the election – not gang rape, not Benghazi, and not integrity.

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