One Long Week Ago

Last week, Obama called a press conference and said that he changed his mind. He told us that the rules have changed and “if you like your plan you can still keep your plan

And the morons in the press fell for it again.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to One Long Week Ago

  1. Jason Calley says:

    Obama: “If you like my lies, you can keep my lies!”

  2. If you’re bound and determined to take him seriously as the President of the United States–as they are–you can’t do anything else but take seriously his every misdirection, his every lie.

  3. Colorado Wellington says:

    And the morons in the press fell for it again.

    This statement suggests low IQ of the press but also implies an honest search for truth. There is plenty of evidence for the first part but I don’t see any for the second assumption.

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