One Third Of Reported GISS Tropical Warming Is Due To Alterations To Data Since 1997

ScreenHunter_984 Dec. 28 05.40

Current version :

Archived 1997 version :

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to One Third Of Reported GISS Tropical Warming Is Due To Alterations To Data Since 1997

  1. Cheshirered says:

    Have you put these (repeated) allegations to ‘the authorities’, Steve? If so, dare I ask their response? The silence from those who should be ensuring accuracy and accountability just seems deafening.

  2. Steve Case says:

    Same story with sea level. Maybe you should put Steve Nerem on your tweet list.

  3. Notice the massive msm coverage of data fraud lies and gibberish……cult of warm…the answer is whatever O’Brien wants it to be…..

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