Monthly Archives: December 2013

5,000 Years Of Mann-Made Global Warming

h/t to Dave G

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If You Like Your Fake Temperatures, You Can Keep Your Fake Temperatures

Twitter / SteveSGoddard: @NOAA @afreedma By tampering …

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There Is No Physical Mechanism Which Can Explain NOAA’s Adjustments

UHI would require a linear adjustment – in the other direction.

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They Just Want An Honest Debate

Reddit has banned skeptics, because alarmists weren’t able to counter skeptic’s arguments CNN actually permitted a debate, and that got alarmists very upset. Twitter / SteveSGoddard: @reddit believes that they …

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A Blessing For The People Of Russia

Obama decided that he can make another speech about himself from a warmer vacation spot.

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1911 : Ancient Glaciers Disappearing During NASA’s Coldest Years Ever

Papers Past — New Zealand Herald — 11 November 1911 — ANCIENT GLACIERS DISAPPEAR.

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1890 Low CO2 Tornado Wrecked Many Towns And Lifted A School House Into The Air

Papers Past — Evening Post — 23 June 1890 — TERRIBLE CYCLONE IN ILLINOIS.

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November Was The Second Coldest On Record In Antarctica

NOAA says that November was the hottest on record. rss_monthly_msu_amsu_channel_tlt_anomalies_land_and_ocean_v03_3.txt

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Climate Change Is Evil

Twitter / Londonyuki: @mbsc @FrshofftheGrill … Climate change always makes the weather more severe, so billions of years of climate change must have made Earth into a living hell.

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NOAA And NPR Making Goebbels Proud

I just heard this on NPR If you thought November was hot, you were right. NOAA says it was the hottest November ever. It was actually the 96th warmest since 1895 in the US, with 70% of the country below … Continue reading

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