President Hopes To Bring Mandela’s Legacy To The US

ScreenHunter_426 Dec. 08 08.23

List of countries by intentional homicide rate – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to President Hopes To Bring Mandela’s Legacy To The US

  1. gator69 says:

    And Mandela’s legacy is already here…

    “It’s the middle-income group that’s struggling the most because we don’t get free services,” Lee said in a July 23 phone interview. “You have to pay for everything.”
    The government says it has little scope to increase funding for housing, with Finance MinisterPravin Gordhan forecasting the economy will expand by no more than 2.2 percent this year. Red tape, corruption and poor communication have bedeviled the efforts so far.”

  2. Omar the Medic Murderer says:

    There is a typo there.

    The bar labeled Southern Africa should say “Chicago”

  3. Jimmy Haigh says:

    I’lll be in Johannesburg tomorrow morning. Bono was his greatest fan.

  4. Lawrence13 says:

    I did join those protest groups in the eighties in the UK for the release of Mandela and I do have time for the man even though he kept very quiet over Mugabe in Zimbabwe. However the pouring out of tributes and grief has gone way over the top as we expected it would with a western world tainted by a liberal lefty MSM.

    Here in the UK yesterday at the Manchester United Newcastle game there was a minutes applause (not silence) I’m just wondering how many British politicians have had that let alone foreign ones.

    Another thing that struck me a British soldier who shot a wounded afghan Taliban member under battle conditions stress has been given a life sentence . Now Mandela was jailed for terrorism which included bombs and the like yet in the same country was have a minutes ovation whilst the BBC masturbates itself to death in a bid to join him

    We have a celeb cook over here called Jamie Oliver and in his book on USA cuisine which coincided with Obama coming to power he did a full page insert in his cook book gushing about what a wonderful man the new president was.

    All this middle class western world lefty liberal fawning over people primarily because of their colour only serves to demean and diminish any real virtues .

  5. Gamecock says:

    The murder rate among black Americans approaches 20 per hundred thousand. Similar to places in Africa shown in the chart.

  6. Wyguy says:

    Sorry, but this is another statistic I’ll never trust. Depends on who is counting and how they classify death.

  7. Brian says:

    Everybody and their brother are crying over this moon cricket.

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