Protecting Our Food Supply

Arapahoe High School is next door to a Whole Foods Market which I frequent. The store always has an armed policeman to protect the food.

The high school is a gun-free zone, which made it possible for a child to walk around carrying a shotgun for 14 minutes.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Protecting Our Food Supply

  1. aeroguy48 says:

    When I was kid many years ago-say the early 1970’s and lived in Wheatridge Colorado. Some kid got bumped by a car on the road to kullerstrand elementary on 44th Avenue, there was media coverage and such. As a 5th grader I was somehow picked by the principal to be on a panel to come up with policies to prevent such accidents. So we met a few times and came up with the idea to have crossing guards. Presented to the principal he said nope you have to responsible for your own safety and education with guidance from our parents. The issue went away along with the media coverage. Sadly those days of personal and parental responsibility seem to be gone these days.

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