Reader Quiz

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Reader Quiz

  1. darrylb says:

    My daughter has six children. Her Husband is a teacher and coach–head coach of two major sports. They Homeschool. At first I was leary, but, although it is a personal and financial challenge, they are doing well. They find themselves being popular when they are now getting involved in public school activities and they have a large group of friends in the homeschool circles.
    I am a retired public school teacher (physics, chem) and thankfully I was never bothered by any intrusive federal policies. Some minimums related to subject matter may be needed, but no idealization.
    I have often thought and wanted more integration of subjects. For instance, we might have a better take on the current AGW if we had proper attribution to climatic conditions effecting historical events.

  2. Steve Case says:

    I am the “Other” vote so far: “A place to indoctrinate children.” maybe I should have added. “with the flavor of the day.”

  3. gator69 says:

    FDR considered the public schools a place where government could create a ‘compliant’ workforce.

  4. dbstealey says:

    This is a pretty good test of your news awareness:

    [I got one wrong – the stock market chart. But several right answers were lucky guesses.]

  5. tom0mason says:

    It is well known that schools and colleges are places to employ the unemployable as teachers.

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