Request For Help From Reggie

ScreenHunter_876 Dec. 26 06.34

Twitter / SteveSGoddard: @rgnldprrn Guardian journalists …

h/t to Jimmy Haigh

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Request For Help From Reggie

  1. B.C. says:

    They should enlist the help of the chinstrap penguins to pull the ship free from the “rotten” ice.

  2. Andy Oz says:

    You just love rubbing it in Steven. Reggie will be in full denial mode, the putz. It still won’t teach him not to make stupid statements and ignore facts. As a fully fledged member of the climate evangelical congregation, he must continue…..Onwards!!!

    • Andy Oz says:

      Obviously nature can handle rapid climate change very well because the penguins have been around for Hundreds of thousands if not millions of years.

      “The last time a Rapid Climate Change Event occurred was about 12,000 years ago, at the end of the last Ice Age, when Earth’s temperatures rose several degrees in just one or two decades.”

  3. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    I know where we can our hands on a really inexpensive ice breaking rowboat. Then we can hire Reggie to man the oars and save this stuck boat’ screw from freezing to death.

  4. Shazaam says:

    It’s full on summer there!!!

    Where is Reggie and his Brawndo-fueled Ice-devouring blowtorch of doom??

  5. Tel says:

    To properly capture the “Spirit of Mawson” would require the rescue ship to also get stuck and wait a year. I salute this brave historic recreation exercise.

  6. Don says:

    April Fools Day came early? No, this cannot be! It has to be a joke of some sort, the ice is rubbish ice, decrepit ice, rotting ice, non-ice ice. Oh! The humanity.

  7. B.C. says:

    *Cues the Monty Python music*

    “The ship’s not stuck! It’s merely on a forward-progression hiatus!”

  8. Scarface says:

    The Lord works in mysteries ways. There was a time, not so long ago, that extreme events were called ‘an act of God’. Now it’s all caused by humans. Babel revisited. Beware of some serious confusing events any time soon.

  9. Scarface says:


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