Rigid Loyalty To Clueless Junk Science

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About Tony Heller

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13 Responses to Rigid Loyalty To Clueless Junk Science

  1. I’d say that rigid loyalty to many things in life isn’t optimal either (e.g. political). Probably is…most people never consider the opposite side of the coin. We pick a ‘team’ and tell everyone else (and their ideas) to go to hell. Perhaps one day that will change.

  2. Isn’t “world class climate science” something of an oxymoron.

  3. R. de Haan says:

    Recycling the same shit all over again: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2013/12/02/abrupt-impacts-of-climate-change-anticipating-surprises/#more-98470

    With a similar introduction a press conference was organized in Germany in 1986.
    This resulted in an major article in “Der Spiegel” with the infamous front page showing the Dome of Colone in a flooded city. http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/print/index-1986-33.html

    That’s when the Climate Scare took off.

    It also shows German’s are not capable of learning from their past.

  4. R. de Haan says:

    climatethanks? rigid loyalty to world-class climate science?

    Sounds like the SS trainee who at the end of is training was ordered to shoot his own dog to show his loyalty to “Der Führer” Heil Hitler.

  5. R. de Haan says:

    In the years before WWII German scientists developed a theory to proof the inferiority of some races by measuring the size and shape of their noses.
    This “science” and the selection of a world class elite of murderers was all they needed to eradicate 6 million Jews.

    Kathrine Hayhoe represents another “World Class Science” that is at the basis of Agenda 21, the planned eradication of 95% of the world population, all in the name of saving the Planet.

    We’re all Jews now.

  6. Perry says:

    The gurning KH describes herself as an evangelical christian first & climate scientist second.


    Gingrich neutered her.


  7. Justa Joe says:

    You’d think that even the world class clowns of climate alarmism would realize that bragging about their “rigid loyalty” to the cause would be bad look.

    Anyway is does demonstrate that the climate crowd realize that their 1000 year reich is in trouble so they must buck up morale as best they can. Look next for these ratz to start turning on each other.

  8. NikFromNYC says:

    Just in time for the holidays…WHITE HOUSE YOUTH (#WHYOUTH):

  9. Andy Oz says:

    Katherine Hayhoe talking about science is like the Nazis talking about racial diversity.
    She reminds me of Sarah Jessica Parker.

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