Santa Obama Wants You To Spend The Last Of Your Christmas Money Saving His Ass

ScreenHunter_669 Dec. 23 14.12

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Santa Obama Wants You To Spend The Last Of Your Christmas Money Saving His Ass

  1. Fool me for 4 years, shame on you; fool me for ANOTHER 4 years, shame on me….

  2. Andy DC says:

    What a bureaucratic nightmare!

  3. Pathway says:

    We will not comply.

  4. ralphcramdo says:

    Anyone care to bet on how many times this “delay” will happen until Obamacare implodes?

  5. Phil Jones says:

    It’s been a complete failure … Deductibles are way up, plans cost more, most expensive website in history loaded with “glitches”, people can’t login, existing plans canceled, Gov’t workers/ Congress/ Special Big Business are all exempt…. Few have signed up… In some States 0 signed up… And they haven’t even processed a Claim yet… Can’t wait for that!!

    By any measure a huge failure…. Yet they say we still need it…

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