Serreze Continues To Hallucinate

“This is simply natural variability,” said National Snow and Ice Data Center director Mark Serreze, who wasn’t part of the NOAA report but praised it. “There is nothing about the year 2013 that provides any evidence that the Arctic is starting a path toward recovery.”

He added: “Looking back 20 years from now, the world will be warmer and we’ll have much less sea ice than today. We’ll see that 2013 was just a temporary respite.”

Sorry Climate Change Skeptics: Arctic Melting Trend Continues Despite Milder Year

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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21 Responses to Serreze Continues To Hallucinate

  1. Andy DC says:

    After this frigid winter and next summer’s tepid melt season, they will be eating plenty of crow.

    • Olaf Koenders says:

      Heh. Just wait ’til he has grandkiddies:

      “Ha ha ha! In Granddad’s day they were afraid of carbon dioxide! Ha ha ha!’ They will breathe on you. ‘Look, look, I’m poisoning Granddad! Look, I’m destroying the planet with my poison breath! Oh no, Granddad – I think I’m going to fart – shall I put a cork in? Granddad, there’s a cow in the field going to fart – shall we kill it? Granddad, do you think Mummy will burn in hell for driving a car? Do you call them the Devil’s Chariot, Granddad? Do you think light-bulbs are sinful, Granddad? Do you flog yourself when you turn one on? Do you think Mummy was sinful for having children, Granddad? Should I not have been born, Granddad? Granddad … you’re choking me…

  2. tom0mason says:

    Funny how he ascribes ‘natural variability’ causing ice to increase but not to its decrease.
    Strange stuff that nature.

  3. Eric Simpson says:

    Well, isn’t fairly well established now that the Arctic ice has varied with the Atlantic Multidecadal & the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (AMO PDO) cycles. Like, Arctic ice was just reaching a new maximum around 1979 after the cycle switched, and now the cycle has switched again so we should see the Arctic ice gain from here on. So, cry Chicken Little cry.

    Now the Arctic andAntarctic are gaining ice mass. But in theory soon the Antarctic sea ice extent will start to decline (talk to Joe Bastardi about this), and the Arctic will gain real massive ice extents, and the befuddled fear mongering ecogeeks will scratch their heads and… and then, and then: “LOOK!!! Look at Antarctica, losing sea ice, like our models say. Forget about the measly Arctic.. Antarctica is much more important and its being melted away by CO2!” Um, minor problems, people aren’t going to be so stupid then, and the temperatures world wide are going to be going down down down. Oh, “LOOK, it’s climate change, it’s NOT global warming, never was. Look at Antarctica, not the Arctic, not your freezing back yard. Buy a Prius!”

    Hi Andy!

    • Eric Simpson says:

      Now I just went over to Caleb’s site to replay my comment above, which I did. But also I noticed again how really deep his continuing daily Arctic weather coverage is, and now with the Arctic cold going all the way down to Texas and nearly Florida, I’m thinking Caleb’s work is really relevant. So another callout to his Arctic coverage:

      • Caleb says:

        Hi Eric. When I suddenly noticed over 40 visitors from this site at my obscure site, I came here to see what was up. Thanks for your interest.

        By the way, for some reason WordPress identified your comment as “spam.” I had to “rescue” it from the Spam Bin. I have no idea why that happened, and it bothers me, as your input is valued.

        I think sea-ice is going to do some really unexpected things the next few years, as a prelude to the switch from a warm AMO to a cold one.

  4. TheJollyGreenMan says:

    Careful, he is also talking to the Angels!

  5. Anto says:

    20 March 2000

    According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event”.

    “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he said

  6. Psalmon says:

    Wrong headline, should be: Serreze Announces Retirement Date

    When everyone says “we will see”, the guy has 20 years more of adjusting algorithms, cherry picking data sets, inventing new measures, traveling to Cancun or wherever, and making new 2050 projections.

    There are plenty of 20, 30 predictions now on the books to disprove their theories. Plenty of evidence of written history, news articles as well, to support a natural variability. Why would anyone think that in 20 years, anyone will call them on it then? Maybe in 50 years Mark Serreze Jr. can tell our kids how the permanent ice cap over Hudson Bay is quite normal and that his father predicted it.

    There has to be consequences by oversight, governing bodies for what’s gone on as this all falls apart. It can’t be “well, we were just mistaken, oops, happens in science.” This has been cooked, deliberate, a political agenda. There must be consequences to see this does not happen again.

  7. Justa Joe says:

    Just Serreze’s opinion

  8. phodges says:

    So now extremely cold is “mild” and mild is “extreme”?

    Yet the believers just keep nodding their heads.

  9. Alec, aka daffy duck says:

    A big hint that the ice is going well… The warmist are on the warpath … New video of ice loss which I think was just released today:

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