Shock News : Obama Is Lying About Health Care Again

Is President Obama’s latest health care promise – that his plan will offer “most” people a better plan for the same price or less than their current policy – actually true?

“That’s not an accurate argument,” says Avik Roy of the Manhattan Institute. “If your plan is now covering a bunch of things that you don’t need, then how is it a better plan for you?”

Former Congressional Budget Office Director Doug Holtz-Eakin says there’s no evidence to support the president’s claim.

“You can do the math,” he says. “Most of the policies in his claim could spend more, cover more things, provide more visits and charge less.” But, he concludes, “the arithmetic just does not work.”

Fact Check: Is President Obama’s latest health care promise true? | Fox News

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Shock News : Obama Is Lying About Health Care Again

  1. tom0mason says:

    But surely everyone needs a pap-smear?

  2. Steve Keohane says:

    Absolute BS. My current basic plan, which I’m told I can keep, is $350 a month. I went on Colorado’s website, looked for a similar basic plan in the Bronze (cheapest) Level. There is nothing at $450 a month. It took a couple of hours, and a computer crash to find this out. What a waste of bytes, dollars and time.

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