Shock News : Obama Lied About Doctors

One million Californians who lose their individual plans in 2014 know that’s not true; when many saw their new premiums, they experienced “sticker shock.” Next comes “doc shock” — the revelation that many folks also won’t be able to keep their doctors.

Meet Chico, Calif., attorney Kenneth Turner. His wife found out that she has breast cancer two days before they received their cancellation notice. She’s scheduled for surgery Dec. 20 and will hear the prognosis Dec. 30. Two days later, she loses the doctor who will have operated on her, as well as other doctors she has seen for decades.

Obamacare’s Next Problem: Doc Shock – Debra J. Saunders – Page 1

h/t to Dave G

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Shock News : Obama Lied About Doctors

  1. Gamecock says:

    All her previous doctors that she wanted to keep were substandard; Obamacare is going to help her get good doctors.

  2. Robertv says:

    My wife is a doctor. Now I love her even more. Maybe I buy her some flowers.

  3. Stephen Richards says:

    Anthony Watts lives in/near Chico. Perhaps he knows this unfortunate couple. But hey, wasn’t Californinia one of those ‘I love Barry’ states. Wasn’t it that idiot Pelosi who said “you gotta pass it to find out what’s in it ” ?

  4. bkivey says:

    California: 59% for Obama in 2012. They voted for it.

  5. tom0mason says:

    The White House doctor explains ObamaCare (though he calls it a bomb)

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