Shock News : Obama Lied About Syrian Chemical Weapons

By Becky Bratu, Staff Writer, NBC News

Chemical weapons were used in the ongoing conflict in Syria in five out of seven attacks investigated by United Nations experts, a report published Thursday concluded. The weapons were used both against government soldiers and civilians — in one case on a large scale.

The report stated that victims included children in some attacks, at least four of which involved the deadly nerve agent sarin.

UN confirms chemical weapons were used in Syria, repeatedly – World News

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Shock News : Obama Lied About Syrian Chemical Weapons

  1. tom0mason says:

    I’m shocked, truly.
    They’re saying that the country’s leader has lied to his people.
    That’s just so despicable!

  2. Andy Oz says:

    “The investigation, however, didn’t look into who the perpetrators of the attacks were.”
    Primary reason for UN inspection was for Mossad to get target list. second was to destabilise Assad and give relief to the Western supported Islamic extremists.

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