Shock News : Obama Talks About Himself

ScreenHunter_420 Dec. 07 09.35

Obama says he tried to answer Mandela’s ‘call’ –

No matter what the topic is, it is always about the boy who’s father abandoned him as a baby.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Shock News : Obama Talks About Himself

  1. Jimmy Haigh. says:

    There is no way I could watch that. I can’t stand the guy. Mr Insincerity.

  2. gator69 says:

    To what? Terrorism? Like the ‘Church Street Bombing’?

    “In his book “Long Walk to Freedom”, Nelson Mandela wrote that as a leading member of the ANC’s executive committee, he had “personally signed off” in approving these acts of terrorism, the pictures and details of which follow below. This is the horror which Mandela had “signed off” for while he was in prison – convicted for other acts of terrorism after the Rivonia trial. The late SA president PW Botha told Mandela in 1985 that he could be a free man as long as he did just one thing : ‘publicly renounce violence’. Mandela refused. That is why Mandela remained in prison until the appeaser Pres FW de Klerk freed him unconditionally. The bottom line ? Nelson Mandela never publicly renounced the use of violence to further the ‘cause of freedom’.”

  3. Eric Simpson says:

    Obama is borderline stupid, an affirmative action president with an affirmative action education. I heard him talk unteleprompted and he messes up some of the finer points of basic grammar, a sign of his mediocre education and intelligence. Of course all his transcripts and SAT scores have never been revealed, but the guy starts out at college at the pedestrian Occidental College where affirmative must have gave got him in despite a pitiful drugy high school record, just like affirmative action was the only reason he manged to transfer to Columbia and get into Harvard Law and the only reason they put the bumbling buffoon in charge of the Law Review, and the only reason the bumbling community organizer and skilled teleprompter reader made it all the way to the presidency.

    • gofer says:

      He could never give a speech without the prompter. Count the number of “uhs” when you hear him speak impromptu. It’s like he’s searching for a thought thats rambling around in his head.

    • Robertv says:

      But the puppet in chief is an excellent teleprompter reader . He must be if not they take him out. That’s the reason of the “uhs”. You think the praetorian guard is there to protect him ?

  4. Mike D says:

    “We are the change we’ve been waiting for.”

  5. Michael says:

    that’s whose

  6. Jeffk says:

    Mandela wasn’t perfect but he united people for long after an election cycle.
    He didn’t play racial politics just to win.

    • Robertv says:

      The Blacks in South Africa had the highest standard of living in sub Saharan Africa during apartheid. The migrants from Mocambique, Malawi, Zambia, Rhodesia, and Botswana during that time will attest to that. Since the ANC takeover South Africa has gone backwards in all measures of development (no matter how much they adjust and manipulate the figures) and the rise of the African billionaire (all cronies of the inner circle) has been phenomenal. Poor old average Joe is still poor, uneducated and now unemployed. And if you are a young white male your only hope is to emigrate.

  7. Vince says:

    “Shock News : Obama Talks About Himself”
    That’s what narcissists do best.

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