Snowball Earth In 892 Years

Antarctic sea ice has been above normal for the last 761 days, and increasing at a rate of 700,000 Manhattans per century.

Using standard climate science math, the Earth’s oceans will be completely covered with ice in 892 +/- 10.346 years, and odds of 761 consecutive days are 2^761:1 – almost as low as winning the Mega-Millions jackpot.

ScreenHunter_608 Dec. 22 19.11

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Snowball Earth In 892 Years

  1. It’s going to take a lot of Hiroshimas to counter all those Manhattans

  2. Lance says:

    the heat that is hiding/missing/no where to be found, will surface and save us…

  3. X says:

    Wonderful, soon the ice from *both* polar regions will choke the AGW scam! 🙂
    It’s impressive what is happening with the Antarctic ice, I believe nobody really knows how to explain it fully.
    I’m still sticking with solar forcing as the main cause, but there is obviously more.

  4. This puts me in mind of the old 8th grade science student joke, about finding the answer (to the speed of light, I think it was) in odd units, like furlongs per fortnight–“Manhattans per century” is just as funny, just as ridiculous. Knowing that the Earth was designed to be stable, I would say the obvious point to be made is that it probably will take 892 (+/- 1.58236) years just to establish a confident trend line, and then future scientists will find the trend is essentially zero, long-term. In other words, and as I have insisted for 3 years, there is no competent climate science, and no competent climate scientists.

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