Someone Left The Refrigerator Door Open Again

ScreenHunter_469 Dec. 08 20.40

Animation using Javascript Animation Player

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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28 Responses to Someone Left The Refrigerator Door Open Again

  1. LOL in Oregon says:

    Whoo Hooo!
    Look at that nice warm Hawaiian air up there in Alaska
         where the sun don’t shine!
    It should chill out nicely and then head back down to make things interesting!
    Aren’t heat pumps wonderful?
    And if you think YOU were responsible for Hawaii warming up things,
    I’ve got a bridge over the Columbia to sell’ya, cheap!

  2. BC says:

    We need to send the electricity bill to yoghurt2. It’s gonna be a bitch to pay if he keeps forgetting to close the door every time he goes for another juice box.

  3. Scott Scarborough says:

    This plot seems to say surface temp. not anomaly. If so, how can is be zero C (+/- 2.5 C) in South America and Africa on the equator?

  4. Scott Scarborough says:

    Sorry, I see the word “Anomaly” now.

  5. Stewart Pid says:

    Dang … and I live right in the middle of that purple / blue blob 🙁
    Actually it has warmed up to -14C and it feels great compared to the horror story of the past week. Too freakin’ cold to ski!

  6. tom0mason says:

    It’s a tropical tropospheric hotspot,….no wait, er…
    I got it …
    It’s the UHI ….er no, wait,….it’s here somewhere…
    …It’s all, er…
    It’s, er all in the deep….in the deep d, do do, dodo, er, oceans?

    Yes that’s it.
    “The heat is in the deep oceans!” (honest, fingers crossed.)

  7. Climatism says:

    Australia freezing in Summer, Nth America in a cryospheric state – maybe the President of Kiribati left his fridge door open to chill the tropics and lower SLR, but the icy-vapor spread to Aus and the US instead.

    • Eric Simpson says:

      Drudge links to Snow falling. In Australia. In summer:

      Thredbo resort in new South Wales is now in the very unusual position of desperately needing its snow to melt. Thredbo has a huge mountain bike event this weekend but the course is currently snow-covered.

      • Andy Oz says:

        The Australian Bureau of Meteorology predicted record heat and drought from November to next February. So far they are 100% wrong. Perhaps they’ll now sack the climate fanatics who have infested the place, but I’m not holding my CO2.

  8. Bill Pounder says:

    Australia’s BOM must have got their hot/cold purple crayon out. Oodnadatta loves & does purple too.

    • tom0mason says:

      Unfortunately left-leaning consensus political management of these post-science times appears to have the upper hand in most developed parts of the globe. The guilt trading of economic power for climate indulgences is still running, even if the Carbon Credit scheme is less than useless.
      It will probably continue for at least another decade, maybe more (such is political and bureaucratic inertia resisting change).
      The best we can do is continue to voice our resistance with fact, logic, and reason, and to vote for the people who will abolish all vestiges of this unneeded load on the developed world.

  9. TomC says:

    National snow analysis.
    December 9, 2003
    Area Covered By Snow: 27.3%
    December 9, 2004
    Area Covered By Snow: 22.1%
    December 9, 2005
    Area Covered By Snow: 58.2%
    December 9, 2006
    Area Covered By Snow: 24.7%
    December 9, 2007
    Area Covered By Snow: 51.9%
    December 9, 2008
    Area Covered By Snow: 34.5%
    December 9, 2009
    Area Covered By Snow: 55.5%
    December 9, 2010
    Area Covered By Snow: 35.3%
    December 9, 2011
    Area Covered By Snow: 35.3%
    December 9, 2012
    Area Covered By Snow: 26.0%
    December 9, 2013
    Area Covered By Snow: 68.3%

  10. TomC says:

    Seems there’s been an update to the Dec 9th data, which now displays 66.9% snow cover.
    Either way, very impressive and the earliest 65% snow cover on record.

  11. TomC says:


    I just collected the dates with 65% snow cover, they are as follows:

    Jan 12, 2011 – 70.9%
    Jan 31, 2010 – 69.7%
    Jan 11, 2011 – 69.4%
    Feb 01, 2010 – 68.6%
    Feb 13, 2010 – 68.1%
    Jan 30, 2010 – 67.7%
    Feb 12, 2010 – 67.1%
    Dac 09, 2013 – 66.9%
    Jan 01, 2013 – 66.6%
    Jan 02, 2013 – 65.8%
    Jan 05, 2013 – 65.8%
    Feb 09, 2010 – 65.5%
    Jan 04, 2013 – 65.5%
    Jan 13, 2011 – 65.0%
    Dec 27, 2012 – 65.0%

  12. Bob Greene says:

    Anchorage is a balmy 31°F.

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