Starbucks Bans Concealed Carry To Protect Their Customers

ScreenHunter_13 Dec. 10 20.10

UPDATE: SUV crashes into Starbucks in Folsom, injuring 8 people – Crime – Sacto 911 – The Sacramento Bee

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Starbucks Bans Concealed Carry To Protect Their Customers

  1. Dave N says:

    Apparently he was attempting to avoid crashing into another Starbucks, but hit this one.

    • Traitor In Chief says:

      very clever. 🙂

    • That’s good. That flashed through my mind too. I don’t drink coffee unless someone gives me one of those small packs of single-serving packets for a present (I just got one, with 7 servings in it, an early Christmas present which I’m using up as quickly as I can). I don’t get the waste of money and space on Starbucks. Someone needs to open a string of potato chip shops (no, they would charge too much for that, too–us cheap people just don’t eat out much, or like to).

  2. TOM SERVO says:

    Go ahead, try to ban motor vehicles, Starbucks. I double-dog dare you.

  3. @njsnowfan says:

    TIP and AGW party crasher
    You see this chart Steve?
    Great lakes for weeks 11/05-12/11 are the second highest for most ice in the great lakes in satellite history . Also the chart in last 17 years the trend is for more ice and not less. I do not see data tampering with this info..hint

    • David A says:

      Yes, well and good, but the Great Lakes are just like Iceland, where the record ice has nothing to do with cold, however this clearly proves global warming.

  4. Mike D says:

    I think you mean open carry and not concealed carry. Unless that’s something new.

  5. tom0mason says:

    I hope all the injured parties have a swift and uneventful recovery.

    But some people can get real cranky when deprived of their coffee.

  6. philjourdan says:

    After handguns, the most vicious creatures on earth are SUVs! They wantonly start themselves up and run over people! no driver needed.

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