Terrible Golfing Conditions In Greenland Today

ScreenHunter_325 Dec. 17 15.30

Steve Goddard (SteveSGoddard) on Twitter

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Terrible Golfing Conditions In Greenland Today

  1. Greenland burning to the ground again. Pine bark beetles this time?

  2. Andy DC says:

    They better dig themselves out before they are buried alive.
    Not an ideal winter golf resort.

  3. squid2112 says:

    Eh, not so bad … ever hear of Glow Balls ?? 🙂

  4. tom0mason says:

    We found the missing heat!

  5. Chewer says:

    A slight breeze at -42 F. is quite nice, with not a single mosquito to be found 😉

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