The Next Person Who Says Something About Global Warming ….

14 inches of snow and -27ºC this week in Fort Collins.

ScreenHunter_275 Dec. 02 20.55

Warnings for Larimer County Below 6000 Feet/Northwest Weld County, Colorado | Weather Underground

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to The Next Person Who Says Something About Global Warming ….

  1. The Iconoclast says:

    “Besides, we’re not basing our recommendations [for immediate reductions in CO2 emissions] upon the data; we’re basing them upon the climate models.” — Chris Folland of the
    UKMO, 1998

  2. Hew Manatee says:

    Get with the program and repeat after me:
    “It’s just weather!”

  3. Steve Keohane says:

    This storm keeps getting bigger predictions as it approaches. By last evening they were talking 15-25″ with 35″ on the passes, for west central Colorado.Looks like north Utah was hammered all night from the radar imagery.

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