They Just Want An Honest Debate

Reddit has banned skeptics, because alarmists weren’t able to counter skeptic’s arguments

ScreenHunter_339 Dec. 18 05.16

CNN actually permitted a debate, and that got alarmists very upset.

ScreenHunter_341 Dec. 18 05.30

Twitter / SteveSGoddard: @reddit believes that they …

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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23 Responses to They Just Want An Honest Debate

  1. philjourdan says:

    Your picture is worth everyone of the thousand words. The Nazis did win the debate in the short term. Just as the soviets did. But we saw what happened in the long run.

    • Two things to remember about the “AGW skeptics are given false balance” talking point: First, it’s based on an unproven premise – that skeptics are unworthy of consideration due to their lying/fabrications/industry funding, etc – and second, the premise has every appearance of being invented by Stephen Schneider, most famously seen in the 2nd-to-last paragraph of an article dating to 1992 (he mentioned it earlier, btw)

      • gator69 says:

        You mean this Stephen Schneider…

        “We need to get some broad based support,
        to capture the public’s imagination…
        So we have to offer up scary scenarios,
        make simplified, dramatic statements
        and make little mention of any doubts…
        Each of us has to decide what the right balance
        is between being effective and being honest.”
        – Prof. Stephen Schneider,
        Stanford Professor of Climatology,
        lead author of many IPCC reports

  2. Gamecock says:

    The debate is settled. Government should have strong, autocratic central control of privately owned businesses. Global warming/CAGW/”climate” change is a tool with which to beat the people into acceptance of this fascism. Raising your hand and saying, “but the earth isn’t warming” has no relevance. “Honest” debate isn’t possible. Global warming is a shiny object; you can’t debate a shiny object.

    On a related note, I bought a bunch of 60W and 40W light bulbs at Walmart yesterday. Get yours while you can. Imagine, the federal government telling the people they can’t make and sell 60W bulbs. Sig Heil. We should dump the curly compact fluorescent bulbs into Boston Harbor. Except they contain dangerous amounts of mercury (the all powerful central government is not required to be rational).

  3. Why would you want a 60 watt light bulb when the LED equivalent uses 4 watts and lasts 20 years? Makes no sense.

    • gator69 says:

      An LED costs 40 times more, and fades over time, losing brightness. They are subject to early death like any other bulb, and from my experience with CFL’s, I do not trust the longevity claims. I’d rather have a 50 cent bulb fail than one that costs 20 dollars.

      • Ben says:

        Every “nine-year-life” CFL bulb that I purchased failed within one year. That was 24 expensive bulbs. GE paid no tax on the 11 billion they made on the sweetheart deal they got from the USfeds.

        • gator69 says:

          Not just expensive and underperforming, but toxic as well. GE also paid no federal taxes AT ALL in 2010. Greenies will point at oil companies and squeal ‘subsidies’ and ‘dirty’ but somehow completely forget about what GE has been doing, and getting away with. I have never benefitted from a CFL, solar panel or wind turbine, but daily benefit from the products of ‘Big Oil’.

        • Jason Calley says:

          Also, the power usage figures given for CFLs are misleading to the point of fraud. Did you ever remove a CFL from its socket and feel how warm the base was? Most of that heat is generated in the process of converting the house voltage to the higher voltage actually used by the fluorescent bulb itself. Efficiency of the bulb is calculated from what comes out of the base — not what goes into the base! If the base uses 25 watts out of the wall to make 15 watts worth of power for the curly bulb, then the CFL is called a “15 watt bulb.”

        • philjourdan says:

          Incandescents “burn out”. CFL’s fade. It is a pain as you do not know if your hangover is affecting you or the lightbulb is dying.

    • Gamecock says:

      Why would you want someone else to decide for you?

    • Gamecock says:

      This is EXACTLY the problem. You wish to debate the merits of LEDs vs incandescents. That is not the issue at all. The issue is, who decides what kind of light bulbs I buy, me or someone else.

    • philjourdan says:

      Break an incandescent, and you get glass. Break a CFL and you get mercury poisoning. Either of yourself or the environment. How long is the half life of Mercury?

  4. TomC says:

    We have recessed lighting in the apartment we rented fitted for flood-style lamps. We bought expensive packs of CFL flood-style lamps for the sockets thinking we’d pay the up front cost but save money on electricity in the long run. 12 sockets needed filling, so instead of buying the damn things @$6.50/bulb individually, we bought the 4-pack for $21.98, three of them.

    When we get home to exchange the bulbs 3 of them already didn’t work out of the package. We bought them back to the store the next time we were out (3 days later) with a good bulb packed back in the 4-pack to exchange them for a new pack (one that hopefully works) but as it turns out their return policy doesn’t allow for the return of CFL bulbs because of the mercury contained in them. After some consternation we just decided to buy another (fourth) 4-pack. That same day we return home with the new fourth pack of light bulbs one of the new CFL bulbs we had just put in 3 days earlier wasn’t working anymore. In just THREE days. Good thing we bought another 4-pack, we thought. Replaced the bad bulb and filled in the 3 other empty sockets with the new bulbs, which all worked…for a time.

    Within two months another 3 bulbs stopped working. We bought another 4-pack of bulbs (our fifth) to replace the newly bad bulbs. Within another month another 2 blew out. We replaced the one with our last bulb and left the other, dead, in the socket. Needless to say, this was becoming a fruitless effort. To make a long story short, we started replacing the bad CFL bulbs with regular incandescents (@$1.29/bulb) about 2 years ago. We now have 3 CFL bulbs left (out of an original 12 and a total of 20 bought) and every one of the CFL’s we replaced with incandescents have not blown out. Not one. Our electricity bill, which averaged about $65/month with the CFL’s is now an outrageous $70/month.

    • Shazaam says:

      CFLs have a problem with recessed fixtures.They do not deal well with the elevated temperatures, where incandescent bulbs just do not care. I have not seen many CFL’s labeled as “high temperature tolerant” for recessed fixture use.

      LED bulbs may do better, however, they also have temperature “issues”. i.e. they fade and die much faster in higher temperatures. Such as those normally encountered in recessed lighting fixtures.

      Good luck.

      Don’t you just love pin-headed government bureaucrat mandates????

  5. John M says:

    Hey, it’s all positive. Now that they’ve banned all the unbelievers and heretics, worship services are much less contentious. According to Reddit’s content editor, “Where once there were personal insults and bitter accusations, there is now discussion of the relevant aspects of the articles of faith.” Oh wait, “aspects of the research.” Aspects of something or other they all agree on, anyway.

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