This Couldn’t Happen In Israel

In a series of news conferences, Arapahoe County Sheriff Grayson Robinson said the shooter entered Arapahoe High School in Centennial armed with a shotgun and looking for a specific teacher whose name the gunman called out. The student made no effort to hide the shotgun as he walked through the halls, deep into the building.

The incident, which began about 12:30 p.m., lasted about 14 minutes after the shooter entered the building. During those terrifying moments, students said, those inside the school huddled in closets and locked classrooms, carrying out the instructions that have been drilled into them since the shootings at nearby Columbine High School in 1999.,0,6949403.story#ixzz2nPRlAIoU

New details emerge in Colorado school shooting –

Unbelievable that we still leave school children unprotected. Just the knowledge that the staff is armed is more than enough to prevent things like this from happening.

ScreenHunter_150 Dec. 13 18.42

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to This Couldn’t Happen In Israel

  1. Gamecock says:

    Expensive club; there’s no magazine in the rifle.

  2. Eric Simpson says:

    An armed citizenry and staffs would prevent most gun violence. That’s obvious. But the libs don’t actually want to prevent gun violence. No, they just want to ban guns, because guns aren’t “proper for polite society,” and conservative like guns.

    And their approach to guns is just like how they view “climate change.” The scare mongering ecogeeks don’t give a flying leap about climate. They just don’t like industrialized energetic society, and they don’t like conservatives that say that energy and industry are good. So they want to seriously handicap that, give a fierce blow to the knee caps of society, and industry, hence the 83% mandated CO2 cuts in the cap & trade bill passed the US House in 2009. Insane. Do the leftist loons modify their stance even an iota after we’ve had 16 years of no warming, record ice growth at both poles, and snowing in the streets of Cairo for the first time in 112 years? No, not in the slightest.

    Are those girls on a beach? Got to get my ticket to Israel!

  3. Jason Calley says:

    “Unbelievable that we still leave school children unprotected.”

    It would be unbelievable only if our school administrators actually cared about the safety of their students. Instead they are more concerned about an ideology which considers people to be subservient cattle.

    As L. Neil Smith says, “Gun control advocates would rather see a woman raped and strangled with her own panty-hose than to see a woman with a handgun for self defense.”

  4. gator69 says:

    Now that’s a lifeguard!

  5. lorne50 says:

    Hot Jewish girls with guns now there’s a DVD. ;>)

  6. Pathway says:

    Makes for an uneven tan.

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