Truth Finds A Way

The Guardian censored my comment, but through the magic of Twitter and Climate Depot – it made it there anyway.

ScreenHunter_964 Dec. 27 19.34

Antarctica Live day 18: stuck in a white Christmas | Science | The Guardian

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Truth Finds A Way

  1. 1957chev says:

    Too bad they didn’t figure out, that you can’t fool “Mother Nature”! LOL! She doesn’t believe in AGW…

  2. Andy Oz says:

    “Help is coming. The continent will decide when to let us go.”

    And yet a carbon tax will save us all from globull worming???
    The 97% are as dumb as dog doo doo.

  3. Mohatdebos says:

    I am holding my breath (don’t want to exhale carbon dioxide) until I see a headline in New York Times and/or The Guardian informing the world that a ship transporting “scientists” to document the impact of global warming on Antarctic ice is trapped in record ice.

  4. Tel says:

    Hey slightly off topic but, using your leet research skills can you please snapshot this one:

    Help support Antarctic science and exploration

    The Australasian Antarctic Expedition is bringing Antarctic science and exploration to the public. We are a public funded expedition and need your support for the discoveries we’re making.

    Note that’s Prof Chris Turney from UNSW (in Sydney, Australia), also note public funded expedition

    • Tel says:

      The reason I take an interest is that here we have an interview and seems like it might be the same guy:

      MARK COLVIN: It’s a privately funded expedition.

      CHRIS TURNEY: Privately funded expedition, so we’ve just secured an ice-strengthened vessel, something called the Shikowski (phonetic), which is up in Vladivostok at the moment heading down towards us very soon.

      So is it private funding or public funding, or a bit of both? Seems they aren’t reporting this quite square are they?

    • Andy Oz says:

      “Public funded” in Australia means non-government.
      As in public donations, not government grants.

  5. Eric Simpson says:

    And now the Chinese ice breaker sent to rescue the scientists has itself got stuck in the ice:

  6. omnologos says:

    The stupid, he gets stuck in ice

  7. Stephen Richards says:

    Great life is it not ? Want a summer holiday in antarctica, go see Shell oil, get a grant to prove that agw is the truth and ….get stuck in ice. I hope all the ships coming their way demand a salvage fee.

  8. catweazle666 says:

    Latest hilarious video from the Guardian, after initial optimism, now talking of being evacuated by a helicopter from the Chinese icebreaker.

    Damn this Global Warming! “It’s worse than we thought!”

  9. GregO says:


    A ship load of rent seekers, professional liars, and charlatans stuck in the allegedly disappearing summer ice in Antarctica with no help in sight. Sorry to say, it serves them all right – poetic justice and all. I mean, who forced any of them to join this idiotic stunt? And just what “science” were these publicity whores allegedly after? Or was it just a publicity stunt after all? I mean really.

    This is what can happen when posers attempt to portray themselves as serious men of science and gallivant to the desolate corners of the frigid poles. Careful. You might make history. Tragic history.

    And with the passing of the solstice all, it is just going to get colder… all things being equal, loaded dice; you know the drill.

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