Tweets Disappearing

I made several tweets on Twitter today which have disappeared. This was one of them.

ScreenHunter_274 Dec. 16 22.31


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to Tweets Disappearing

  1. hannuko says:

    Propably a data replication issue. I see similar things sometimes with facebook, where a post I make while connected to one server hasn’t yet replicated to another server I happen to connect to later. It makes it look like posts have disappeared for a while.

  2. Chuck says:

    Its on my twitter but reads “8000km to mound in the Philippines”

  3. Chuck says:

    Actually, as I scrolled down it is there reading “6000 km “

  4. Chuck says:

    Took a screen shot of both in case you are interested .

  5. I still have it up, with the URL . But when I try it again, it is gone, and I get the “That page doesn’t exist” fault.

    I also have a screenshot.

  6. Raindog says:

    You can have only 2 of the following 3 things when it comes to data storage:

    1. Integrity
    2. Speed.
    3. Availability.

    Twitter opts for 2 and 3.

  7. bobmaginnis says:

    Maybe my comment will post in this thread:
    Climate experts believe that huge amounts of ice are melting in Antarctica at -30C….? No, but if you would like an explanation:
    PASADENA, Calif. – Ocean waters melting the undersides of Antarctic ice shelves are responsible for most of the continent’s ice shelf mass loss, a new study by NASA and university researchers has found.
    Graph form of webpage map showing rising sea level:

  8. lorne50 says:

    Well be happy Steve After one twitter to Gavin I was kicked off account suspended as why no answer but back on then a twitter to Bill Mcnutjob suspended again asked why no answer but back on.

    • stewart pid says:

      Lorne I’ve never used twitter and I’m curious was it twitter suspending u after a complaint by Gavin or is Gavin himself able to suspend the undesirables?

  9. Also happening to me. Terribly ANNOYING. I have posts missing from yesterday and today.

  10. lorne50 says:

    Not sure stewart they never did tell me what or why or who both times It was just gone and suspended status was gone after I wrote them ans asked why.

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