UN Climate Chief : Penguins Dying Due To Antarctic Sea Ice Loss

13 February 2012

Former Vice President Al Gore has taken his fight against climate change to the South Pole, as his Climate Reality Project expedition ship arrived in Antarctica.

Joined by more than 100 other travellers including scientists, ministers and celebrities, the team set off from Argentina last week, crossing the legendary Drake Passage en-route to the Antarctic.

Gore has been joined by James Hansen from NASA, Kevin Trenberth of the National Center for Atmospheric Research, along with Bangledesh’s minister of environment Hasan Mahmud, the President of Iceland Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, British billionaire Richard Branson and UNFCCC Chief Christiana Figueres.

Tweeting from the trip Figueres wrote: “Antarctica: highest coldest, windiest and driest continent of the planet. Most importantly: global bellwether of #climatechange.”

And amongst pictures of penguins, icebergs and seals she lamented their future prospects: “Greetings from a chinstrap penguin colony. Populations decreasing due to decreasing sea ice.”

Messages from Antarctica

Antarctic sea ice extent has been above normal every day since Q3, 2011.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to UN Climate Chief : Penguins Dying Due To Antarctic Sea Ice Loss

  1. Andy Oz says:

    I wish these schizo alarmists would get their story straight. Too much ice for penguins, not enough ice for penguins. Make up you effin mind for chrissakes! They look soooo stupid when they do this.

  2. Tony P. says:

    Funny thing about the supposed expedition, they made kind of a big deal about it before they got to Antarctica and it was covered if ever so briefly by the national media but once they got there we didn’t hear boo and never heard a peep from them after they left. Maybe their mouths & fingers were frost bitten so they couldn’t talk or write. But I guess they figure if they wait long enough they can tell people how warm it was and that these poor penguins were dying because of all the heat and they thought they would be believed by the lemmings except now people are becoming wise to their act which is why they are becoming more desperate. Watch out this year & next as if they feel they’ll lose both houses of Congress and then the Presidency they’ll really try to shove more things we don’t want or need down our wallets.

  3. When their lies are exposed, they will be the laughing stock of the world and history will record AGW on the same page as the Piltdown Mann

    • Greg Locke says:

      But they won’t be, Mr.Morgan, and therein is a major problem. Here and for followers of WUWT, we read, examine and analyze these absurd claims of the alarmists, and know them for the propaganda they are. For most folks out there, though, their climate understanding is based solely on what they read and hear in the main stream media, and that is universally alarmist. Although the alarmists should be the laughing stock of the world they are not; they are taken seriously indeed in a world that hears their message almost exclusively. I have many intelligent friends who think me a crackpot when I discuss my skeptic views–they’ve never heard such things before. The left’s ability to control the message will be our doom.

      Happy f’in New Year everyone.

  4. Dave N says:

    If Al Gore goes back to Antarctica, I’m heading North, because I’ll bound to be covered in ice.. in summer.

  5. R. de Haan says:

    Free book “How to survive Obamacare” if you’re fast: http://moneymorning.com/ob-article/obamacare-taxes.php?code=dis-oc-taxes#

  6. R. de Haan says:

    Don’t know how this happened but the posting above has be posted under the wrong article.

  7. Earl Murphy says:

    The melting ice in the west is most likely related to this, someone should tell Gore:

    Earthquakes deep below West Antarctica reveal an active volcano hidden beneath the massive ice sheet, researchers said today (Nov. 17) in a study published in the journal Nature Geoscience.

    The discovery finally confirms long-held suspicions of volcanic activity concealed by the vast West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Several volcanoes poke up along the Antarctic coast and its offshore islands, such as Mount Erebus, but this is the first time anyone has caught magma in action far from the coast. http://www.livescience.com/41262-west-antarctica-new-volcano-discovered.html

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