Understanding Mass Shootings

What we know about the Aurora shooting

  • James Holmes father works for DARPA
  • James Holmes was an honor student studying drug induced alternate reality at the University of Colorado
  • James Holmes thought he was a fictional character on the day of the shooting
  • The sheriff’s deputy who arrested him thinks there was an accomplice
  • The judge immediately established a gag order, and no new information has been released

What we know about Sandy Hook

  • Law enforcement initially reported that only handguns were used. Later they became an AR-15
  • A teacher in the school saw two shadows run past the window
  • An armed off duty tactical officer from another town was captured in the woods next to the school, and he kept repeating “I didn’t do it”
  • Adam Lanza’s mother was murdered with a small caliber bullet, and his hard drive was taken out of the computer and damaged with a blunt object
  • The shooting occurred just outside New York City
  • Within minutes of the shooting, Bloomberg and Feinstein unveiled their carefully planned gun grab plans
  • The Connecticut attorney general said there were other suspects
  • No information has been released for 10 months

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Understanding Mass Shootings

  1. johncoyote says:

    Look at the history of the world. You can’t stop all the madness. People lose their minds and kill. It is hard to pick and choose who to watch. Scary part is. The sane people are the unknown people waiting to fall apart. Need better support systems and parent. The world is scary and hard today.

    • omanuel says:

      Society is extremely stressed now. Why?

      Everyone probably suspects our government is less than candid some of the time, and once you are convinced they lie some of the time, you have no way to know when they are telling the truth. That causes enormous stress and anxiety.

      Addictions and acts of violence may be natural consequences.

      I am personally convinced that: “Homo Sapiens will hang together, and share information honestly, or risk sudden – but unexpected – death from natural causes. We have fortunately survived the last sixty-eight (2013 – 1945 = 68 yrs) years, . . .”


    • kuhnkat says:

      Actually, every one of the shooters have been KNOWN to be disturbed and have been brought to the attention of the authorities in some respect. They all had been under the care of, or referred to, mental health care professionals either before or at the time of the incidents.

      The Stockton shooting here in Cali was perpetrated by a man that Willi Brown’s law firm had repeatedly gotten off on various charges that should have had him incarcerated for at least 30 years.

      • johncoyote says:

        I don’t know. I had days when I desire to go to some Lawyers offices who threaten my daughter and kill them all. The lawyers told me they didn’t care if daughter ate or had a place to live. Just wanted her money. Most of us are walking on a slim edge. I believe we make and create people. I don’t do it because I’m needed. If we arrested or watched every man or woman who is disturbed, It would be a lot of people in our society. Three years ago. A man in New York called his family home and killed them all and himself. He lost everything. Was he mad or did he break? If we don’t create a better place and opportunity for our kids. The new world is becoming harder. Few cases are fore-cast.

  2. Norm says:

    I would like to know if this young high school student was seeing a professional therapist and what drugs, if any, were proscribed for him.

  3. scizzorbill says:

    watched a video of an interview with the chief medical examiner/pathologist after the Newtown shootings. he was asked if the children were killed with .223 caliber (AR-15) bullets. He replied yes. later he was asked a question about the dead in his care. he said he hadn’t looked at them yet.

  4. Chuck says:

    I’m not one for conspiracy theories…. but. I do have to say, we have surveillance footage of the Columbine shooters in 1999. In 2012 we don’t have any video footage of Lanza entering the school? I’m not saying the kid didn’t do it, it is just strange to me that this school in 2012 had less tech for security than a CO. school in ’99? Was there botched security to cover up? The Sandy Hook report clearly states cops did not enter the school immediately after arriving on scene. Why?

    • Gamecock says:

      “The Sandy Hook report clearly states cops did not enter the school immediately after arriving on scene. Why?”

      That’s what happened at Columbine. Police training at Columbine did not consider an active shooter. When police arrive on scene and determine there is an active shooter, they secure the perimeter and call SWAT/specialists. Meanwhile, children are being shot.
      Most departments have adopted active shooter procedures post Columbine to engage the shooter in hopes of stopping the murders. If you are correct, Chuck, Newtown cops failed, and children died because of it.

      Perhaps protecting cops is more important than protecting kids.

      • Chuck says:

        The active shooter training I receive as a DOD employee is an absolute joke. Basically, lock your door and seek cover and wait for the G-men to arrive to save the day. No thanks, i’ll do the right thing.

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