Washington Post Awards 2016 Republican Nomination To Their Man In New Jersey

ScreenHunter_240 Dec. 15 22.25

Who would Christie pick?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Washington Post Awards 2016 Republican Nomination To Their Man In New Jersey

  1. David says:

    Maybe Santorum and Palin can lose together. We need someone who appeals to Independants because without us you lose. Christy isn’t my first choice but he beats the hell out of Hitlary.

  2. gator69 says:

    No matter who wins, we lose.

  3. Robertv says:

    Are there still people who take this nonsense seriously. I do not know who these guys represent but certainly not We The People. Anyway, you still think there will be elections in 2016 ?

  4. Andy DC says:

    /The Tea Party wing and conservatives like Mark Levin lloathe Christie. The establishment wing of the party and people such as Larry Kudlow love Christie. He is a polarizing figure in the Republican Party. Unless the party is united behind someone, they are going to lose again in 2016.

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