Will Global Warming Keep Santa Out Of The Midwest This Year?

Christmas Eve temps in Iowa and Minnesota will be near record cold.

ScreenHunter_512 Dec. 21 08.59

Weather Street: Temperature Forecast Movie

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Will Global Warming Keep Santa Out Of The Midwest This Year?

  1. darrylb says:

    OK Steve (from MN) Thanks for nothin!

  2. WPBHurricane05 says:

    84° on the first day of winter here in sunny South Florida. Noticing a lot of climate refugees from New York and Quebec.

  3. I don’t know how the fable of global warming could possibly keep santa from the Midwest.

  4. Phil Jones says:

    Looks like a big Hippo diving down deep …. Where all the hot water is…

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