With Polar Sea Ice Area Third Highest On Record, Phil Plait Says The Poles Are Losing Ice

We’re Still Losing Ice at the Poles

By Phil Plait

One of the key indicators and consequences of global warming is ice loss at the Earth’s poles. As the planet warms, on average and over time, every summer more ice melts. It refreezes in the winter, but again as temperatures rise, in general we’ll see less ice at any given time as compared to the year before.

Global Warming: Ice loss continues.

Polar sea ice area is the highest in 25 years.

ScreenHunter_78 Dec. 12 18.25


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to With Polar Sea Ice Area Third Highest On Record, Phil Plait Says The Poles Are Losing Ice

  1. Don says:

    Liberalism is a mental disorder.

  2. Andy Oz says:

    Gaining ice means no ice.
    Falling temps means rising temps.
    Less tornadoes means more tornadoes.
    Less hurricanes means more hurricanes.
    Mild weather means the end of the world.
    1.3 mm/ year means 30 metres of sea level rise.
    Black means white.
    It’s all about managing perception and maintaining iron fisted control.
    Non compliance with the alarmist dogma drives them batshit crazy.

  3. B.C. says:

    Tell enough and big enough lies, keep repeating the lies and, sooner or later, the lies becomes “The Truth”. (That’s IF there’s nobody around to counter the lies, which is what the National Socialist Workers’ Party hope to do accomplish, with their Marxist/Alinskyite manifesto and tactics.) Thanks for keeping watch and reporting on their lies, Steve. You’ve got plenty of friends out here if/when the SHTF.

  4. cosmoscon says:

    Maybe Phil should change his twitter handle from @BadAstronomer to @BadAtMath.

  5. copernicus34 says:

    the dude is a dunce and a hack

  6. Rosco says:

    As a classic old UK comedy said –

    “Never mind the quality – feel the width !”

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