Daily Archives: January 14, 2014

Hansen Off By Three Orders Of Magnitude – Close Enough For Government Work

Bill Illis posted a table from RealFakeClimate showing Hansen’s scenario A/B/C assumptions. What was inside was just about what I should have expected from Homer. He is off by three orders of magnitude in his CFC numbers www.realclimate.org/data/H88_scenarios.dat The table … Continue reading

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Consensus Reached : 3C Warming Probable In The Next 16 Years

09 Jul 1988 – SATURDAY MAGAZINE The big heat is on h/t to Andy Oz

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In 1999, GISS Showed Less Than 0.5C Warming From The 1870’s Through The 1990’s


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Hansen 2013 : “12C Warming Under Business As Usual” Scenarios

James Hansen’s research shows that a mini-runaway, pushing global temperatures to 10-12 degrees C above the Holocene, is all but certain under continuous, business as usual, fossil fuel burning through 2100. James Hansen and the Three Categories of the Runaway … Continue reading

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Hansen 2011 – “Many Meters Of Sea Level Rise Under “Business As Usual Scenarios”

sea level rise of many meters should be anticipated with the global warming of at least several degrees Celsius that is expected under business-as-usual (BAU) climate scenarios  www.columbia.edu/~jeh1/mailings/2011/20110118_MilankovicPaper.pdf

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Hansen’s 1988 Testimony To Congress : Scenario A Is Business As Usual

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Joe Bastardi Forecasting That The Superbowl Could Be Coldest Weather In 50+ Years

Jan 22-feb  5  could be one of coldest periods plains east in last  50 years, if not longer Superbowl is February 2, outdoors at Chris Christie’s  “I Shouldn’t Have Listened To Al Gore” Stadium

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A Look At Scenario B

Hansen’s 1988 definition, which has been deleted from the GISS website and blocked from the web archive Scenario A assumes continued exponential trace gas growth, scenario B assumes a reduced linear growth of trace gases, and scenario C assumes a … Continue reading

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Visualizing How Big Dana’s Lies Are

Hansen’s 1988 BAU forecast for scenario A was a complete disaster. They weren’t even in the ballpark. Popular Science – Google Books This is what Dana shows in his 100% fraudulent graph. Nothing about this graph resembles reality.

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Scientists Certain That Sea Level Will Rise One Foot In The Next Two Years

SIGNIFIGANT RISE IN SEA LEVEL NOW SEEMS CERTAIN February 18, 1986 MANY scientists are so sure that the sea level will rise visibly in the coming decades that they are advising planners to adopt new strategies now. A predicted rise … Continue reading

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