Daily Archives: January 17, 2014

A Good Visualization Of The Increase In Corruption At NASA Since 1999

As of 1999, NASA (red below) was doing a minimal amount of tampering with the US temperature record. They were only cooling the 1930’s by about 0.1C relative to present temperatures. Measured temperatures are green. Compare that to their current … Continue reading

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Correlation Of 1997 GISS Global Surface Temperature With Sunspot Count

Data going back to 1866.

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Shock News : Lying Sociopath Community Organizer Is Also Incompetent

Senior UK Defense Advisor: Obama Is Clueless About ‘What He Wants To Do In The World’ – The Daily Beast

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What’s The Difference Between These People And The Monty Python Witch Burners?

23% of Americans do not believe global warming is happening | Mail Online They are all superstitious morons, but Monty Python is funny.

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Crack NOAA Climate Model Predicted A Warm Winter In The Midwest And Eastern US

  201307temp.gif (970×1203)

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2010 : Salon Predicted That Global Warming Would Make The 2014 Superbowl Warm

New Yorkers Ready for 2014 Super Bowl & Global Warming – Nikki Stern – Open Salon

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February 2, 1961 NYC Set A Record For Consecutive Sub-Freezing Days

-2 COLD IN CITY SETS 18-YEAR LOW – 15 Subfreezing Days Equal Record of 1881 — Relief Still Not in Sight -2 COLD IN CITY SETS 18-YEAR LOW – View Article – NYTimes.com February 2, 2014 is Super Bowl Sunday … Continue reading

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Climate Experts Expected Warm Winters, Until They Expected Cold Winters

Climate experts have been telling us for decades that winter is a thing of the past, and that the warm winter of 2011-2012 in the US was just what they expected. Now we find out that they actually always expected … Continue reading

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Global Sea Ice Area Averaging 3,000 Manhattans Above Normal Over The Last 11 Months

Global sea ice area was at a record January high on Jan 1, and has been averaging 3,000 Manhattans above normal over the last 11 months. arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/timeseries.global.anom.1979-2008

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Democrats Say 0.0001 Mole Fraction CO2 Will Disrupt Geology

Senate Democrats outlined the potential for large-scale economic and geological disruption from climate change — and insisted that the U.S. must act immediately. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., said the evidence of climate change is already being witnessed in more acidic … Continue reading

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