Monthly Archives: January 2014

Gaia Abandons Her Worshippers

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If You Like Your Polar Vortex, You Can Keep Your Polar Vortex

26 Jan 1950 – 57 DEGREES BELOW ZERO IN MONTANA (U.S.A.) h/t to Andy Oz

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The Mysterious GISS Mid-1960’s Pivot Point

NASA tampers with data around a mysterious mid 1960’s pivot point. Temperatures from before 1965 keep getting colder, and temperatures after 1965 keep getting warmer, with successive versions of GISS data. The 1997 version disappeared from the web archive around … Continue reading

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IPCC 2007 : Antarctic Sea Ice Declining

The world’s leading climate experts say that Antarctic sea ice is declining due to global warming. antarctic data provide evidence of a decline in sea ice extent in some regions Longer Records of Hemispheric Extent – AR4 WGI Chapter … Continue reading

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Global Sea Ice Area Above Normal For 50 Consecutive Days

Global sea ice area has been above normal every day since November 20, 2013. On January 1, global sea ice area set an all-time record high for January. IPCC experts say that sea ice on Earth is rapidly disappearing.

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Temperatures In Melbourne Have Dropped 50% Over The Last 75 Years

BOM – Australian Climate Extremes January 10, 1939 Melbourne was 44ºC. Yesterday it was 22ºC. If this trend continues, Melbourne will be covered with glaciers before the Labor Party gets their next Prime Minster.

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January, 1932 – Lack Of Snow In Upstate New York Threatened The Winter Olympics

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UHI In Fort Collins

Boulder is surrounded by open space, is growing slowly, and has been cooling since 1950. By contrast, Fort Collins population has increased by more than 10X since 1950, and has warmed several degrees. Both cities have been cooling over the past … Continue reading

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1914-1915 Australian Drought Led To Complete Crop Failure

The drought of 1914-15 became seared in the memory of Australians, primarily due to the disastrous failure of the wheat crop that year. The first signs of drought became evident in 1913, when rainfall in western Victoria, central areas of … Continue reading

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Almost 16 Feet Of Snow So Far This Winter In Steamboat Springs, Colorado

Steamboat | A Colorado Ski Resort for Families | Find Lodging, Ski Holiday Deals, Family Flights, & Snow Reports University of Colorado climate experts say that skiing is doomed in Colorado

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