Daily Archives: July 13, 2014

No Time To Debate Skeptics

President Obama has had time for 176 rounds of golf, but has no time to actually learn anything about the junk science behind his imaginary legacy.

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US Having Its Quietest Fire Season On Record

President Obama says that fires are getting worse due to climate change, which of course means that the exact opposite is happening. Burn acreage through July 11 is the smallest on record in the US, and less than one third … Continue reading

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Bloated Hypocrite Continues To Beat His Dead Horse

Mr. Creosote continues his great adventure. [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aczPDGC3f8U]

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Almost No Ice Loss From July 11 To July 12 In The Arctic Basin

I’m going to be showing these maps regularly, to give a feel for just how much trouble Arctic alarmists are facing this month. Green indicates that ice extent actually increased in the Chukchi Sea yesterday.

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If It Walks Like A Duck …

John Boehner could shut down Obama’s dictatorship any time he wanted to. Boehner controls the purse strings, and/or he could initiate impeachment proceedings any time he wants to. He refuses to use either of his pimary tools, and also refuses to press forward with … Continue reading

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