2014 – Quietest Fire Season Of The Decade

Outside of the west coast, fires in the rest of the US are at historic lows so far in 2014.

Burn acreage so far this year in the US is lowest in a decade, less than half or normal, and one of the lowest on record.

ScreenHunter_1347 Jul. 26 16.23

National Interagency Fire Center

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to 2014 – Quietest Fire Season Of The Decade

  1. daveandrews723 says:

    That’s only because all of the hurricanes have kept things so wet, right?

  2. EW3 says:

    And the president is seeking an additional $650 million for fighting forest fires this year.
    Wonder where the money will really go?

    • mjc says:

      To fight forest fires…of course. And fire prevention measures…around national landmarks…like East Lake, Augusta, Pebble Beach, Oakmont…

  3. baart1980 says:

    Tell it to people in California

  4. Brian H says:

    The title is confusing. “The decade” we are in is 2011-4. “In a decade” is the last 10 yrs.

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