
I went to see Dinesh D’Souza’s America tonight. It was an incredible movie, a great lesson in American history, and a wonderful expose of how and why the left wants to destroy the United States.

He interviewed a veteran border patrol guard, who pointed out that he had never once seen a Mexican trying to illegally go back to Mexico.

Should be mandatory watching for every school child in America.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to America

  1. dmmcmah says:

    Apparently the “millenial” generation doesn’t feel that way. According to the NY Times, polls show:

    “81 percent of the Silent Generation (those who are 69 to 86 years old in 2014) love America while only 58 percent of millennials (18 to 33 years old) feel the same.”

    “Seventy-eight percent of the older generation consider their American identity to be extremely important. That drops to 70 percent for baby boomers (50 to 68 years), 60 percent of Generation X’ers (34 to 49 years), and only 45 percent of young adults define themselves this way.”

    • The movie explains how children have been force fed a wildly dishonest history of America.

      • dmmcmah says:

        Yeah I believe that 100%, I’ve seen this in action with many young people I know. The question is what to do about it.

    • Chuck says:

      I’m only a few years disconnected from the millennials. Don’t lose faith, not yet any way. There are some of us who feel don’t buy all the BS

      • dmmcmah says:

        Glad to hear.

        • Chuck says:

          Sometimes I feel those of us who were kids in the 80’s are the last of the free thinkers. lets hope this is not true!

      • dmmcmah says:

        “Sometimes I feel those of us who were kids in the 80?s are the last of the free thinkers. lets hope this is not true!”

        Well I think it is true. For the most part, of course there are some millenials that are free thinkers.

    • Dave G says:

      Commies have ran the schools for better than 50 years…. Only one way to stop it… Massive overhaul… like the originaly July 4.

  2. Chuck says:

    Gonna see it soon!

  3. mjc says:

    Chuck says:
    July 5, 2014 at 4:42 am

    Sometimes I feel those of us who were kids in the 80?s are the last of the free thinkers. lets hope this is not true!

    I graduated high school in 1983 and think that my class was one of, if not the absolute, last ones to get a decent education.

    I’d go a bit farther, though, and say we were not the last of the free thinkers, but the last of those who could actually THINK…critically, freely and for ourselves. I home school my kids until they are high school aged and then give them the choice. They’ve chosen to go…and are so far above their peers it’s not even funny.

    • PJ London says:

      Autodidactic : which simply means “self-taught”.  This process was removed from the public education system because, as I mentioned, the people who were in charge of the curriculum were not interested in teaching our children how to think, but rather what to think.

      President Woodrow Wilson. 
      He admitted very plainly that “We want one class of persons to have a liberal education, and we want another class of persons, a very much larger class, of necessity, in every society, to forego the privileges of a liberal education and fit themselves to perform specific difficult manual tasks.”

      George Orwell 1984:
      “In a way, the world-view of the Party imposed itself most successfully on people incapable of understanding it. They could be made to accept the most flagrant violations of reality, because they never fully grasped the enormity of what was demanded of them, and were not sufficiently interested in public events to notice what was happening. By lack of understanding they remained sane. They simply swallowed everything. . .”

      • gator69 says:

        “… not interested in teaching our children how to think, but rather what to think.”

        What I call one of the cruelest forms of child abuse.

        • _Jim says:

          When this group revolts (have we ever known a generation who did not revolt against ‘the establishment’?), and they will (it is inevitable) the pendulum will swing back into the leftists’ faces with such fury they will be out of vogue for a long while – until the memory of ‘them’ and what they did fades then the cycle will repeat itself.

          So, this is part of a cycle, and much like a fire consuming the prairie cyclically the prairie will grow back …


        • Robertv says:

          Their revolt was choosing Obambi the anti establishment. They were dead wrong and we lost a generation. The next generation grew up under Obambi and are the new Hitler jugend.

  4. marge says:

    Should be in the classroom. Instead (and I was shocked to see it there) Inconvenient Truth, a propaganda film of the Communist Party in every classroom. IMO

  5. Jerry Gorline says:

    Yep we saw it Saturday and I really enjoyed the presentation. Dinesh lists the left’s indictments against America and then precedes to demolish the list, point by point, with facts. I liked the part about forgiving Mexico’s debt after the Mexican/American war. I think most Mexicans would have preferred if we had kept all of Mexico. Didn’t know Saul Alinski took lessons from Al Capone’s gang, Frank Nitti in particular, makes sense. Our current struggle is restoration while preventing implosion. I’m hopeful that America is more resilient than they think and attempts to overwhelm the system will fail.

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