Any Excuse To Get Neurotic

No matter how good the news is, alarmists will find a way to get upset about it.

ScreenHunter_873 Jul. 06 16.07ScreenHunter_871 Jul. 06 16.05ScreenHunter_872 Jul. 06 16.05

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Any Excuse To Get Neurotic

  1. Bill P. says:

    That’s because to them it is NOT good news.

  2. mjc says:

    These are the people that would still be screaming ‘WARMING’ when a sabre-toothed cat is taking out a woolly mammoth on the glacial expanse that used to be their front lawn…

  3. TheJollyGreenMan says:

    Climate volatility my arse. It suggests global cooling.

  4. Edmonton Al says:

    That is why we call the Alarmists members of the Church of Anthropogenic Global Wwarming.
    No matter what the facts are, they believe in their religion. [CAGW]
    They will not debate or open their mind.
    But they continue to try to ram their “religion” down our throats., no matter what the cost.

  5. stewart pid says:

    The sky is always falling and things are always worse than they thought for the obsessive-compulsive alarmists.

  6. Patience. A few years from now they’ll be told that CO2 actually causes global cooling and get retroactively upset about this increase. Because science.

  7. ntesdorf says:

    Their motto is: “Don’t just sit there, Panic!” For them no day is complete without a Global Crisis.

  8. Latitude says:

    volatility….idiots get to throw around big words now

  9. 1957chev says:

    Volatility as compared to what? What is their reference point?

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