Bloated Hypocrite Continues To Beat His Dead Horse

Mr. Creosote continues his great adventure.

ScreenHunter_972 Jul. 12 23.37


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Bloated Hypocrite Continues To Beat His Dead Horse

  1. Brian G Valentine says:

    Why ain’t he prosecuted for groping women in motel rooms

    • _Jim says:

      Perhaps overlooked here is the under-estimation of power which the ruling-elite have against civil and/or criminal indictments; The lesson learned with Ted Kennedy and Chappaquiddick should have driven that point home (pls forgive the pun) …


  2. inMAGICn says:

    God bless Florida, 2000 a.d.

  3. Tom says:

    I’m sure the doctors also say excess weight is a problem!

  4. Bill P. says:

    Al Gore thinks taxing the sh*t out of Americans’ “carbon footprint” is obvious…

    But allowing Americans to invest a fraction of their Social Security without handing it over to the government is a “risky scheme.”

  5. Brian G Valentine says:

    Al Gore makes Mr Creosote look good

  6. Joe says:

    Wow what happened to that guy… geez he looks different from a few years ago.

    • Otter (ClimateOtter on Twitter) says:

      Its’ all that good food that he says we should not be allowed to eat because of the CO2 footprint that would generate…

    • _Jim says:

      Looks like he’s been eating like a, well, have you ever seen Richard Trumka – a so-called “organized-labor leader”?

      In the category of well-fed labor goons – Richard Trumka


  7. Old Goat says:

    Fatty Gore, Fatty Gore
    roaming round the map
    Fatty Gore, Fatty Gore
    with his warmist crap
    tales are often often told
    where he turns up turns cold
    Fatty Gore, Fatty Gore, what a bore…

  8. There Is No Substitute for Victory. says:

    Al’s not bloated. His masseuse has been busy inflating the old ‘sex kitten,’ that’s all.

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