Climate Bingo

The rules of the climate game are easy to understand.

  1. They get unlimited resources of money and propaganda to push a scam. They also get to change the rules and the score as many times as they want, after the game is over.
  2. Our only resource is the fact that intelligent people want to hear the truth.

Number 2 seems like a safe bet.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Climate Bingo

  1. Shazaam says:

    More like Climate Calvin-Ball.

    I miss that strip…..

  2. kbray in california says:
  3. Shazaam says:

    Speaking of Climate Calvin-Ball, why has the silence about this one been so deafening?

    I know, I know, Forbes doesn’t employ government funded climatologists to “verify” their articles….. Otherwise the Forbes line would be “Nothing to see here, move along….”

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