Coldest Summer On Record At The North Pole

This summer is shaping up to be the shortest and coldest on record north of 80N, which is consistent with the lack of melting in the Arctic Basin over the last 2-3 weeks.

The previous coldest summer was 2013.ScreenHunter_1378 Jul. 28 19.47 COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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43 Responses to Coldest Summer On Record At The North Pole

    • Dave N says:

      If it’s anything like this year, they have no hope of completing the route in the diagram. I’ve set a reminder for August 16th, 2016, and ordered some popcorn.

      • NoMoreGore says:

        Notice the map in the article shows The Gulf Of Mexico just below Alaska. That must be how they can make the trip. They brought the warm waters from the gulf with them.

    • John Silver says:

      It says “The trip is two years in the making” means they thought the ice situation in 2012 would last or get worse (better).
      Difficult to predict the future!

  1. tom0mason says:

    Are the rowing, sailing, sailboarding, snorkeling teams ready?
    Is blowtorch Reggie is on his way?

  2. Toppleton Geardom says:

    Sounds like a good time to take a Northwest Passage cruise….

    Would you take a climate change CRUISE? Ship will tour melting Arctic so tourists can see polar bears in their disappearing habitat

  3. Andy DC says:

    The sun is going to wave bye-bye soon and it barely got past freezing. Did Summit, Greenland get its two hours above freezing this summer?

  4. Daft House says:

    Well you wont post this because you only post opinions similar to your own.
    This is the text from the home page of the website you took the ‘Coldest Summer On Record At The North Pole’ graph from:
    ‘Since the 1970s the extent of sea ice has been measured from satellites. From these measurements we know that the sea ice extent today is significantly smaller than 30 years ago. During the past 10 years the melting of sea ice has accelerated, and especially during the ice extent minimum in September large changes are observed. The sea ice in the northern hemisphere have never been thinner and more vulnerable.’

    So the website you pretend is refuting ‘Global Warming’ is saying exactly the opposite isn’t it?

    • philjourdan says:

      I gather you read no comments before making a fool of yourself?

    • Jason Calley says:

      “Well you wont post this because you only post opinions similar to your own.”

      It is not smart to start a response with an obvious lie.

      “So the website you pretend is refuting ‘Global Warming’ is saying exactly the opposite isn’t it?”

      Which is the better description of current Arctic conditions: 1) An editorial comment of unknown age, perhaps a decade or more old, or 2) A graph showing actual temperature measurements with data that has been updated within the last two days.

  5. Sundance says:

    Something is wrong. Obama and John Holdren tell the public that it is the warm temperatures in the Arctic that cause cold temps in the USA. Based on the graph at the top of the page it looks to me like the Arctic is calling BS. I wonder if the POTUS will now condemn the Arctic as a denier and racist for refusing to cooperate with him? 🙂

  6. Jim Hunt says:

    You appear to be repeating yourself Steve/Tony? Further to my most recent comment to geran elsewhere, can you please provide a link to some data to back up your “The previous coldest summer was 2013” assertion.

    For starters how do you define “summer”? June/July/August would make crunching some numbers easier.

    • There are about 90 days when the North Pole can be above freezing. Someone with an IQ higher than a turnip can probably figure that out. If you clicked on the link in the post, you wouldn’t have to ask me stupid questions.

    • rw says:

      Just look up the DMI web page (!!!) You can see temperature curves for every year going back to 1958. I did that last year when I saw the current summer temperature curve. There was nothing like it in any earlier year. On every year before 2013 the summer temps were nearly the same as the average.

      What are you trying to do, toss doubts into the comment stream for your buddies to read so you can all stay in your warmist cocoon?

      • Jim Hunt says:

        No offence, but I prefer rely on independent data rather than individual eyeballs. See my long link below, then explain how to generate a similar time series from the DMI and/or ECMWF data.

        • Caleb says:

          Jim, the reason we invented graphs is so we don’t have to go through long lists of data. I urge you to go to the DMI site, for they have an excellent feature that allows you to go through every year since 1958, and compare the graphs of temperatures above 80 degrees latitude. Simply by using my lying eyes I can see it is very unusual to have the temperatures up there be so low in the middle of the “melt season.” Only 1969, 1972, 2010 and 2013 have such down-spikes.

          You really need to trust your individual eyeballs a little. Give it a try. All the years are in a box on the left hand side, and it takes a half-second for the graph to load the new year. You can click through all 58 years in five minutes.

          I try to avoid the politics, and simply to marvel over the unusual stuff going on up there this year. For example, the weather buoy attached to the (defunct) North Pole Camera has always been flushed south through Fram Strait. You can study the paths on old charts. However this year it is taking a new route, to the east, north of Svalbard, as if it intends to go around the Pole rather than south. Isn’t that something to marvel over?

          My entire interest in clouds and sea-ice was originally based on escapism. When life is hard, I like to withdraw and lick my wounds. The only reason I became political was because people started coming into my quiet retreat and stating absurd things, such as that the North Pole was melting away, when it obviously wasn’t.

          If you trust your individual eyeballs more, you’ll see what I mean.

    • geran says:

      Jim, can you please provide a link to some data to back up your implied assertion that you will understand anything beyond your preconceived bias?


  7. Jim Hunt says:

    I first clicked on that link many moons ago, but it doesn’t actually answer my question. How do you go about generating a time series from the DMI and/or ECMWF data, in order to justify your headline?

    By way of example here’s one from NCEP/NCAR which shows 2013 as “cold” by recent standards, but by no means the coldest 2 m temperatures across June/July/August north of 80 degrees “on record”:

    P.S. Is there any way of including graphics in comments here?

    • Caleb says:

      Jim, your graph lacks the detail of the DMI graph, and blurs certain distinctions. For example, the whole first half of June sees temperatures well below freezing. Why would you include a time when all is frozen, in a graphic to measure the melt-season?

      Better would be a measure of the time temperatures average above freezing. I don’t have the time or capacity to load up such a data-base, but I can get an idea by eyeballing the DMI graphs.

      You might fear such eyeballing would involve too much bias, and I’d only see what I want to see. I suppose some people are like that, but I see no profit in looking at things cross-eyed. If you are a man who respects truth, then you have less fear of being biased, because your bias is towards truth, and you prefer reality.

      It is wonderful to be able to trust your own eyes.

      • Jim Hunt says:

        Hi Caleb,

        As I already asked you elsewhere, before Steve/Tony repeated himself, what time period constitutes “summer” as far as you’re concerned? JJA is the “industry standard”, but if you want daily resolution for some reason then please explain how to generate a time series from such data for DMI/ECMWF data, or anywhere else for that matter.

        As I already pointed out elsewhere, the “freezing point” is not where DMI put it on the graph at the top. It’s at -1.8 °C.

        Re: July 30, 2014 at 2:58 am

        As I’ve already mentioned elsewhere, I’ve been watching the DMI site for years. Please note that it states:

        “The ERA40 reanalysis data set from ECMWF, has been applied to calculate daily mean temperatures for the period from 1958 to 2002, from 2002 to 2006 data from the global NWP model T511 is used and from 2006 to 2010 T799 data are used and from 2010 to present the T1279 model data are used.”

        It seems they’ve changed their model recently, and not for the first time.

        Finally please feel free to feast your eyes on this little lot, where I note there’s a little DMI uptick this morning:

        • Caleb says:

          The freezing point of the sea-water during the summer, right beneath the ice, tends to vary between -1.2 and -1.6, due to the fact the water is made brackish by the melting ice, which contains water that is fresh enough to drink. Adventurers who trek up there in March and April don’t need the carry water. (You can learn a lot by reading their blogs.)

          The process through which the ice rids itself of salt is complex and varies at different temperatures. When a lead opens in the dead of winter the ice that forms has “flowers” of salt on top, and that salt actually blows with the snow in the wind, until temperatures warm. Then it immediately becomes brine that bores down through the ice. There is mystery and interesting debate about wind-blown salt, and how much it varies between calm winters and stormy winters, however by April the adventures can drink water from the sea-ice, and by July the ice up there is largely salt-free, with a melting point up near zero.

          I don’t think you give the Danes the credit they are due. Between fishermen, oil rigs, and interests in Greenland they have nothing to gain from sloppy data. Personally I think their data is the best.

          I am curious about your view. Are you suggesting there is nothing different about the melt this year?

  8. Jim Hunt says:

    Re: Caleb says: July 30, 2014 at 8:33 am

    I am aware of all that. Ann Daniels is a friend of mine. This is her web site:

    Her blog isn’t up to much, so I called her mobile number. She told me:

    “I’ve travelled 4,000 miles over the ice, and I’ve never attempted to melt first year ice. The first choice is clean compacted snow. In an emergency you could try the top of multi-year ice. Why on Earth would I be so stupid as to try and drink first year ice!”

    I like to compare and contrast all available data. I am also curious about your view. Every year’s melt is different. What is it that you know that Ann and I do not? Why should we care about your personal preferences when vast amounts of data are available to anyone with an enquiring mind and an internet connection?

    • Caleb says:

      Thanks for the link to Anne Daniels.

      Of course fresh snow is best. At times the “first year ice” is only hours old, when they cross a freshly frozen lead. Anyway, who is going to take the time and energy to chop ice when they can scoop snow? The only problem with snow is a whole saucepan of snow shrinks to a little water at the bottom. (I have hiked in arctic conditions.)

      What I was addressing was your contention that the freezing point was -1.8. I’m fairly certain Anne would say the ice starts melting at a higher temperature. And we are looking at the melting of the ice, are we not?

      I notice Anne is getting a bit old, though she’s not a fossil like me. Has she talked to the younger adventurers who were up there last April? They found a changed situation. One guy described the ice as “crazy ice.”

      On second thought, never mind. It is probably better if I contact her myself.

      • Jim Hunt says:

        My pleasure Caleb.

        You can find Ann on Twitter. Also on there is Martin Hartley who accompanied Ann on some of her expeditions and who took the pictures of “crazy ice” earlier this year that I suspect you are referring to. I feel sure Ann has talked to him!

        Steve/Tony seems to start a new thread on the same topic every couple of days, which makes having an intelligent conversation extremely difficult. I am well aware of the varying freezing/melting points of Arctic sea ice in summer, and was merely trying to point out to the uninitiated that “around -1.8” is not the same as the 0.0 line on the DMI plots. At the risk of being accused of “trolling”, please feel free to feast your eyes on this lot:

      • Jim Hunt says:

        If I were you I wouldn’t bother now Caleb. I’ve contacted Ann via Twitter on your behalf:

        As you can see Martin isn’t exactly a spring chicken either. Are you aware of the ways in which you have insulted the leader of the Catlin Arctic survey expeditions in 2009, 10 and 11. Ann is one of my heroes, and no doubt one of Martin’s too, and you can’t even spell her name right?

        • Caleb says:

          Oh good heavens, Jim! Since when have you been so concerned with good manners?

          To answer your questions, no. I was not aware I had offended her. And yes, I do misspell names, on occasion. It is a handicap I have. I am very thankful spell-check was invented.

          Are you are you have offended me by poking fun of my handicap? Excuse me, as I go away to privately burst into tears.

  9. Jim Hunt says:

    Re: Caleb says: July 31, 2014 at 9:07 am

    On my site a lot of work goes into presenting the IMB information in a more user friendly format. YMMV of course. Are you aware that there are lots of non CRREL IMB buoys in the Arctic?

    Re: Caleb says: July 31, 2014 at 9:35 am

    I am of course an English gentleman, so the answer to your first question is for well over 50 years.

    I have no idea if Ann is or would be offended. As far as I am aware she has never read anything on “Real Science”. Can I send you a virtual hanky as some small recompense for the suffering I have inadvertently heaped upon you?

  10. Shayn Roby says:

    Reblogged this on shaynroby and commented:
    Shayn Roby’s Take: The shortest summer in history in the Arctic region flies right in the face of what the Obama Administration is pushing in a publication it put out in 2014. The liberals never stop with their tyrannical agenda, no matter what the scientific data actually says.

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