Common Core Introduces A New Gaming Standard For American Students

ScreenHunter_1067 Jul. 18 06.05ScreenHunter_1068 Jul. 18 06.05

The People’s Cube Store – The People’s Cube

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Common Core Introduces A New Gaming Standard For American Students

  1. Morgan says:

    Common core? Sounds like a commonist conspiracy.

  2. _Jim says:

    … available only in Environmental Red by popular demand …

  3. _Jim says:

    Maybe … common core will combine with this ‘thing’ – “Jibo” the talking, interactive robot.

    (. CAUTION – VAPORWARE AT THE MOMENT … they make a pitch for funding at the end)

    • _Jim says:

      Of course, it’s real …

      “Cynthia Breazeal Unveils Jibo, a Social Robot for the Home”
      By Erico Guizzo, Posted 16 Jul 2014 | 13:00 GMT


      Cynthia Breazeal, the famed roboticist at MIT’s Media Lab and a pioneer of social robotics, is unveiling her latest creation today. Unlike her previous robots, created for research and used in settings like classrooms and hospitals, her newest robotic device is designed for people to use at home. Breazeal hopes users will find the robot, called Jibo, so fun and friendly that it will become “part of the family.”

      “Jibo, please introduce yourself,” Breazeal says, looking at the little robot next to her during a demo last week in New York City.

      Jibo doesn’t move. She tries again, and this time the robot springs to life, spins its body, blinks its eye, and talks about itself in an excited—if a bit robotic—voice.

      Breazeal says Jibo is designed as an interactive companion and helper to families, capable of engaging people in ways that a computer or mobile device aren’t able to. The secret is not powerful processors or better sensors; it’s emotion. Jibo is different from other gadgets because it treats you like a human being, she says. “Emotion is the next wave of this humanized high-touch engagement with technology.”

      – – – –

      Coming to a common core classroom soon near you …


  4. Streetcred says:

    This cube has been available in Australia for a few years already … marketed to the gullible by the socialist Labor and Greens politicians and their sycophants.

    • Streetcred says:

      … and another thing, we are the only country in the world that has a competitive ball game, called Australian Rules Football, where one is awarded a point for missing a kick at the the goals.

  5. Phil Jones says:

    … Been using the Peoples Cube for almost a week now… Using my new Common Core Math skills I’ve calculated my self rise of 100%!!

    10 20
    10 30
    10 40
    10 50
    10 60
    10 80
    10 90
    10 = 100


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