Frequency Of Hot Days In The Midwest Plummeting And Lowest On Record

The US Midwest is experiencing the lowest frequency of 90 degree days on record this year. Hot days were ten times more common during the 1930s.

ScreenHunter_1225 Jul. 22 08.14

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Frequency Of Hot Days In The Midwest Plummeting And Lowest On Record

  1. tom0mason says:

    Even with NCDC many adjustments to the temperature data the records are still being broken.
    U.S. Daily Records Summary –
    For the last 30 days
    Maximum Highs broken 406
    Minimum Lows broken 1184

    For the last 7 days
    Maximum Highs broken 47
    Minimum Lows broken 700

    • geran says:

      And, the 10-day forecast indicates another cold front moving down.

      • hifast says:

        Thanks @tomomason. The NOAA site actually says: “These data are raw and have not been assessed for the effects of changing station instrumentation and time of observation.” Good! This data “appears” to be “unmolested.”

  2. hottest day of the year today; supposed to reach 89F; may have to turn on AC but back in 70s tomorrow

  3. Abel Garcia says:

    This isn’t the case if you read Yahoo News or listen & view to NBC,CBS, or ABC.

  4. Eliza says:

    Nawww your lying again from a fanatical AGW man LOL.We’ve found Antarctica is not growing too so there! LOL

  5. Andy DC says:

    Time to bait and switch to an Ice Age scare, like the non-existent one in the 1970’s. But no matter what happens, it is all the fault of greedy, science hating, gun toting white Republican males.

    • tom0mason says:

      And don’t forget it’s also the fault of all those selfish greedy people living the high life in industrialized countries, always wanting clean food and water, personal transport, reliable medical facilities, heating and cooling in offices and affordable homes, cheap reliable personal and public communication systems, etc, etc. It’s them that are making the weather so changable, so extreme.


  6. Robertv says:


    -98 C -144 F
    4.0 knots
    178 degrees S

  7. The climate is undergoing a catastrophic COOLING trend due to the incredibly weak solar activity despite the current solar maximum. We are in for the winter from hell! Lake Superior is still in the upper 30’s and snow has started in Barrow Alaska! Al Gore, friends with Armand Hammer eagerly promulgates the annual “Earth Day” scam which first started on April 2, 1970, Vladimir Lenin’s 100th Birthday! (See article on

  8. Sharpshooter says:

    Here outside Phoenix we have an average of 10 days a year when the temps hit 110F or more.
    This year, we’ve had ONE.
    Last year we had ten in a row, when the Baro never went below 30.26, but we also had a record of 55 days it didn’t reach 100 during June-July-Aug; the average is 12.

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