How Quickly They Grow Up

I have been watching a pair of Whitetail fawns in my neighborhood. Last time I saw them was two weeks ago, and they were tiny. Today I saw their whole family, and they have grown six inches and were bounding through the forest with amazing speed and agility.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to How Quickly They Grow Up

  1. Rapidly growing Deer. A definite sign of Global Warming!

    • Gamecock says:

      I noticed goslings at my golf course this summer growing from hatchlings to near adult size in just two weeks. Maybe I’ve just never paid attention before, but Global Warming is a better explanation.

    • mjc says:

      No, those long-legged rats do grow very fast. And they will devour a garden over night.

      I think the look better in my freezer than my yard…

    • John Silver says:

      With time fawns will grow slower, since the cullers have become extinct for some reason.

  2. jst1 says:

    Recognizing the patterns of life. Highly recommended.

  3. Chip Bennett says:

    Coming soon to a rifle season near you…

  4. darrylb says:

    In southern MN, there were no deer or nesting Canada Geese here when I was young, Now, deer 30 feet away simply stop and stare, and one has to walk slowly not to slip on the goose droppings.

  5. Hugh K says:

    And were reported in the media as malnourished orphans due to unrestrained urban sprawl and six inches shorter.

  6. Truthseeker says:

    I have just one word to say for this post …


  7. emsnews says:

    Annual deer cull here on the mountain. This is what freezers are for.

  8. Dave Snope says:

    Just be careful driving at night on the 108 and 32. More deer in Columbia means more auto collisions with deer around Columbia, and that can ruin a nice evening.

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