Ice Loss Over The Past Three Days

I mentioned a few days ago that high pressure over the East Siberian Sea was going to cause ice compaction in that region. The map below shows the three day reduction in extent there in red, and an increase in extent in the Beaufort Sea as green.

ScreenHunter_1389 Jul. 29 05.24

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Ice Loss Over The Past Three Days

  1. squid2112 says:

    OMG! .. It’s worse than we thought!

  2. Luke of the D says:

    But Tony, you forget that “it will all melt away quite suddenly!” All that yellow ice is doomed! DOOMED!

    • NoMoreGore says:

      Sounds like Serreze is gearing up for claims that models predicted a warming world with ice, ice, and more ice. Except when they don’t, or when they can’t decide, unless we say so.

  3. NoMoreGore says:

    Curious what the minimum will be…. and curious what it would be if they didn’t monkey with it.

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