IPCC Expert : 0.05 Degrees Is The New Three Degrees

When the weatherman says “a few degrees cooler in outlying areas”, what he really means is 0.05 degrees cooler. Thank you IPCC

The Canberra Times 26 June 1994

ScreenHunter_901 Jul. 07 18.29

26 Jun 1994 – Clear proof of global warming

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to IPCC Expert : 0.05 Degrees Is The New Three Degrees

  1. au1corsair says:

    I have an infrared thermometer that I use to test load temperatures on refrigerated trucks. In my off time I scan surface temperatures in the areas around me. Surface temperatures are NOT air temperatures, but I get pavement temperatures in excess of 165 degrees (120 is more common) and the bare dirt is usually no hotter than 120 degrees (with around 95 on hot days common). When the dirt is covered with grass and brush, the temperature doesn’t get much above the 80’s–and in forested areas surface temperatures are sometimes less than measured air temperatures.

    My readings are “unscientific” of course. No system to them at all, no peer review. Still, my limited data gives me cause to doubt “0.05 degrees” or even just three degrees for “heat island effect”–and that is before factoring in the many heat production sources in cities (air conditioners, internal combustion engines…)

    • Well, we didn’t have one of your fancy whizz-bang IR detecting thingummers, but back when I cut wheat it wasn’t at all unusual to see field temperatures over 140°. Now cultivated fields are pretty well known in the unscientific world to be warmer than grass & even more so than wooded areas. Thanks goodness that modern farm equipment tends to have air-conditioning. I can’t imagine how fun it was to farm in the 1930s.

  2. Phil Jones says:

    Only a fool would think UHI had little effect…..

    Cars, steel, buildings, asphalt, bricks, concrete…. Miles and miles of all this stuff absorb heat during the day and take much longer to release at night compared to dirt, scrub brush, and grass.,,

    Total dumbasses….

  3. Bloke down the pub says:

    Considering what a small amount of the globe is urbanised, their figure for the actual impact on global temps may well be correct. However, we all know how temps recorded at urban stations are used to contaminate the record in the surrounding rural areas, so the end result is closer to your figure of a ‘few degrees’.

  4. David A says:

    Do not forget that even rural areas that grow can have significant UHI effects. I read of a study documenting this years ago, but forget the source.

  5. gator69 says:

    Even Wiki knows better than the IPCC…

    “An urban heat island occurs where the combination of heat-absorbing infrastructure such as dark asphalt parking lots and road pavement and expanses of black rooftops, coupled with sparse vegetation, raises air temperature by 1 to 3°C higher than the temperature in the surrounding countryside.”


    It’s time to demolish the house of parrots.

    • au1corsair says:

      “After the construction, modifications were made to the Founders Room exterior; while most of the building’s exterior was designed with stainless steel given a matte finish, the Founders Room and Children’s Amphitheater were designed with highly polished mirror-like panels. The reflective qualities of the surface were amplified by the concave sections of the Founders Room walls. Some residents of the neighboring condominiums suffered glare caused by sunlight that was reflected off these surfaces and concentrated in a manner similar to a parabolic mirror. The resulting heat made some rooms of nearby condominiums unbearably warm, caused the air-conditioning costs of these residents to skyrocket and created hot spots on adjacent sidewalks of as much as 140 °F (60 °C).[8] There was also the increased risk of traffic accidents due to blinding sunlight reflected from the polished surfaces. After complaints from neighboring buildings and residents, the owners asked Gehry Partners to come up with a solution. Their response was a computer analysis of the building’s surfaces identifying the offending panels. In 2005 these were dulled by lightly sanding the panels to eliminate unwanted glare.”

      The Disney Concert Hall (featured in the latest “Get Smart” movie) had a problem with reflections heating up the neighbors. Can you say “solar oven?”

      It seems that there is more to burning up Planet Earth than gas…

  6. John Finn says:

    Let’s be fair here. We all recognise there is a UHI effect. However, the real issue is whether there has been an increase .in the UHI trend which can explain the warming trend over the past several decades. Since 70% of surface temperatures include the oceans and since the satellite records show a similar rate of warming as the surface records it would seem that the UH has a negligible effect on the warming trend.

    • au1corsair says:

      Sorry–but the temperature station locations are mostly in cities, not in the other 90% of the globe. No Weather Station Mount Everest Peak–yet. And the satellite temperature record has existed less than half a century–how long are climate cycles?

      I keep pointing out that we don’t have enough data to determine what’s going on. Besides, the Anthropogenic Climate Change mob won’t let me pin them down to a “normal” climate and temperature range–only that the current world is a mess and it’s all “YOUR” fault. What sort of pre-Industrial Revolution utopia are they babbling about? Is the world supposed to be a frozen wasteland or a steaming tropical jungle wasteland?

      “Satellite temperature measurements have been obtained from the troposphere since 1978. Changes in balloon instrumentation and data processing over the years have been pervasive, however, resulting in discontinuities in these temperature records.”

    • What could possibly go wrong? says:

      The point is exactly that the sattelite record is completely different than the adjusted “surface” data and has no discernible trend in the last decades.

  7. Ben Vorlich says:

    On Sunday night Monday morning I drove from the UK to central France. The usual route takes us round the outskirts of Paris in and out of the Paris suburbs.. As an aside for July it was quite cold night, in the countryside 11’C in the built up areas it was 12-14’C depending on the level of urbanisation.

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