Learning To Think Like A Progressive

A Belgian model has lost her job over this picture

ScreenHunter_975 Jul. 13 04.40

Belgian beauty loses modeling gig after her hunting pic hits the web | Fox News

But eating at McDonalds is A-OK

ScreenHunter_976 Jul. 13 04.47

The hypocrisy of the left seems to know no bounds.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Learning To Think Like A Progressive

  1. What could possibly go wrong? says:

    Yep. African hunting farms operating in a sustainable way without foreign subsidies and creating jobs and wealth in their countries while preservind hugs swathes of land for the wildlife are a no-go.The serfs have to stay serfs and beg the self proclaimed better humans for “humanitarian aid” to set things right.

  2. Keith says:

    I always enjoy this blog. But in this case it is L’oreal who decided to terminate her services as a model. That is a capitalist business. Now whether they are reacting to what is considered politically correct is another thing but they are taking a call that more of their customers like their approach.
    I am not in agreement with her losing her job for something that is in her privte life – but therein lies the craziness of putting your life on facebook.

    • What could possibly go wrong? says:

      There is a slight problem in this approach. Where does the freedom of the employer start and end and where the freedom of the employee? If there was anything in her contract that she has to refrain from hunting or refrain from having a private life and/or using social media and she would have been stupid enough to sign that, then yes, the employer would be in the right in my view.

      But I am pretty sure the contract doesn’t contain such paragraphs because they would be illegal in most countries for a reason.. So it is a purely arbitrary decision by the employer based on assumed marketing advantages or disadvantages… after the fact.

      If they want to employ only politically correct veggie models to sell their stuff which is usually made with at least one animal by-product, mostly a lot of them, then they can fix that in the casting interviews and their contracts. Not as a PR stunt to placate the anorexic pundits and their zealous followers.

  3. mjc says:

    It’s easy to learn to think like a progressive…spend 12 plus years attending public schools (US) then 4 or more years attending ‘higher education’,

  4. Chip Bennett says:

    Cue the facebook page calling for the model’s death in three… two… one…

    (If only I were kidding…)

    • Chip Bennett says:

      And speaking of thinking like a progressive: take the link, and read the “Kill Kendall Jones” story, including typical Facebook prog hypocrisy, and the typically hateful, hypocritical comments from progressives.

  5. Gamecock says:

    Nice gemsbok. I am envious of Ms. Despiegelaere.

  6. Bob Greene says:

    In the past, the picture of your trophies from the African Safari was part of your PR if you were a big name actor. Now we get the vapors at such a picture.

    Steve, I’m not sure where you got the pig picture, but my guess is those were headed for rendering. Processing starts quickly after the kill and they don’t pile them up outside. In the late ’90’s beef suppliers to McDonald’s had to certify humane slaughter.

  7. James the Elder says:

    “Thinking” and progressive cannot occupy the same space.

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