Messi Vs. Maradona

No one makes strikers like Argentina does.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Messi Vs. Maradona

  1. pippakin says:

    No one cheats like them either, well, unless you include Suarez…..

    • I don’t think anyone has ever accused Messi of cheating.

      • pippakin says:

        Not sure I went off Argentina in 1966 and have seen no reason to change…..

        • pippakin says:

          I’m sorry I just realised half of this comment is missing.

          In 1966 Argentina were a poor side whose players made up for what they lacked in skill by committing a series of fouls and injuring Pele so badly he was virtually out of the tournament.

          Marradonna is as famous for being a cheat and a junkie as he is for being a good footballer.

          Messi is said to be a bully. He has as many fouls as anyone and he is captain of Argentina.

          Whats to like.

  2. tom0mason says:

    Argentina has a very talented striker, Germany has a soccer team.

  3. Ben Vorlich says:

    Never bet against the Germans.

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