No 100 Degree Readings In The Midwest This Summer

There have been no 100 degree temperatures reported in the midwest this summer. Climate Central defines the midwest as Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Ohio and Michigan.

One hundred degree days used to be very common in the midwest, and during the summer of 1936 almost 20% of afternoons were over 100 degrees. There have been no 100 degree readings this summer.

The only recent year which had a lot of 100 degree readings was 2012. All of the other hot summers were below 350 PPM CO2.

ScreenHunter_1374 Jul. 28 08.57

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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25 Responses to No 100 Degree Readings In The Midwest This Summer

  1. hifast says:

    For the sake of clarity, please define the geographical boundaries (or a list of the station numbers) of the Midwest stations counted in your analysis. Thank you, sir.

  2. Owen says:

    OMG, CO2 causes global cooling, Please stop emitting the stuff. We’ll all freeze to death ! (sarcasm)

  3. _Jim says:


    “The Midwestern United States, or the Midwest, is one of the four U.S. geographic regions, as defined by the United States Census Bureau. Prior to June 1984 the area was named the North Central region by the census bureau.

    The region consists of 12 states in the north central United States:

    Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.”

    – – – –

    Thanks, wiki.


  4. Mike says:

    In Madison we’ve had one day at 92. Otherwise temps have been in the upper 70s to low 80s all Summer, well below the mean.!graphs;a=USA/WI_53711/Madison

  5. _Jim says:

    US DOL (Dept of Labor) recognizes only 10 states as being in the ‘midwest’:

  6. J.j. Erler says:

    Asked in the other thread on fewest 90 degree days this year in US… can you provide a chart for frequence of 100 degree days in the US that is similar? Not just the midwest? I am curious if it correlates to the 90 degree chart.

    • _Jim says:

      Would one expect, at a minimum, that the # of 100 degree days chart would be a subset of the # of 90 degree days chart (for the same geographical areas)?

  7. Shazaam says:

    And yet, the “climate scientists” will likely declare July 2014 one of the hottest months ever.

    Just like the laughingstock-in-chief, they appear to believe their own lies.

  8. ducdorleans says:

    2014 will be the “hottest year ever in the USA” with a winter so cold it took GDP down 2.9% yoy, and a summer with hardly any 100°F days in the usual places …

    yep, starting to look like the CAGW equivalent of Comical Ali …

  9. Eric Simpson says:

    There have been no 100 degree temperatures reported in the midwest this summer… One hundred degree days used to be very common in the midwest,

    As Drudge headlined, Steven has revealed that the data manipulations have turned a cooling trend into warming, indeed, into hockey stick style runaway warming. This is another one of those many many things that just doesn’t jive with the warmist contentions. After a century of runaway warming we should have 100° days all the time, and hardly any in the past (for the midwest). But it’s the friggin opposite. It’s backwards. Like we’ve just suffered through a century of runaway cooling.

    And off topic, but momentum seems to be building for Joe Carr, the opponent of the Common Core & climate change pushing amnesty shill Lamar Alexander, the Tennessee senator whose primary is August 7th:

    Carr is running a campaign very similar to the one that led to the surprise defeat of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor on June 10th. Cantor faced lesser known opponent Dave Brat and outspent him 25-to-1. Near the end of the campaign in Virginia, Brat received support from Tea Party groups and conservative radio personalities -— particularly Laura Ingraham, who campaigned on his behalf.

  10. Andy DC says:

    Those states also pretty much define the “corn belt”. Whenever there is a spike on that chart, like 2012, there is normally a significant reduction of the corn crop. You can see that 2012 is the one year out of the last 26 where there has been such a reduction, while in the past those types of heat/drought reductions were far more frequent. An inverse correlation between CO2 and the corn crop, as plain as day!

  11. Hell_Is_Like_Newark says:

    I am curious if this pattern will hold through this winter. Last winter was the coldest here in the East I can remember since my childhood. It was weird to have a hard freeze in the middle of April. Snow yes.. but it is usually the wet stuff that is gone by early afternoon. I am getting concerned about New England if we get a repeat of the extreme cold. With Vermont Yankee getting taken off line, this will cause more of the load to be shifted over to natural gas. New England doesn’t have any spare pipeline capacity to move that gas. The region is at risk of blackouts during severe cold.

  12. gofer says:

    In Mid-Tenn, a low of 58 is expected tonite tieing the low set in 1925. We have had no 100 degree days.

  13. cdquarles says:

    I’ll up you one. Where I am, the average high is 90F and that’s the average daily high from mid-June to early-September. We’ve had a few 90 degree days, but not the ‘normal ‘HHH’. 2014, the Year without a Summer at this rate.

    100 degree days here are relatively rare, though the sun’s zenith angle hits 80 degrees at the Solstice and is higher than 60 degrees from early April to mid-September (roughly 8 days after the Vernal Equinox to 8 days before the Autumnal Equinox). Why? Normally the absolute humidity is such that it will rain in the afternoons and thus move the ‘afternoon’ high temp to a point where it maxes out either earlier than typical or later than typical. Dry summer years are years when we see 100 degree days (actual temp, not the ‘heat index’). Years like 2012 for instance, though it was June that year that was really hot relatively.

    Anyway, the forecast is a nice September-like one. Highs in the low to mid 80s for the next couple of days and lows in the 50s. That’s right, 50s. That would be a record minimum if we see it. I want to say that the record for this date is 61, but I might be wrong. We do see overnight lows like this during the summer, but they’re typically seen in the mid-August autumnal blast or later as we move into, as I said, September.

  14. Gail Combs says:

    In mid North Carolina we had no 100 degree days in the summer of 2013 (only 14 days around 90°F – 92F and one day at 95°F)

    So far this year: 16 days @ 90°F to 94°F and two @ 95°F and one each @ 96°F and 97°F.

    What is quite interesting are the lows. We had a low of 59°F this morning and only 12 days at 70°F or above with only one day @ 74°F. We have yet to bother to turn on the A/C. Opening the windows at night works fine. The weather has been closer to that of New York this year than to the climate here tweenty years ago.

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