Obama should dump Biden for his third term, and pick up John Boehner as his truly loyal right hand man. Boehner always has Obama’s back, and is always there to divert attention away from any real issues which could end the worst presidency in history.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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Reblogged this on BLOGGING BAD w/Gunny G ~ "THE CLINGERS".
Everybody needs a good ‘wheel man’ to dive the getaway car; Boehner in this case is it.
Okay, this is ‘campy’ but fun (and no one gets hurt!):
I don’t know WHEN I’ve had such a belly laugh about a post! Love it!
I’m afraid Boehner’s first loyalty is to the bottle.
It’s the hard stuff that prevents him from doing the hard stuff.
Crazies, crooks, and chronic alcoholics.
What a cesspool…
The bigger ‘crime’ here? He’s elected by his peers in the House – both sides! They WANT a push-over in that position is all I can figure …
But I thought the liquor business in DC collapsed when Ted Kennedy died
When you said bottle I thought for a moment you meant one of those ‘tan-in-a-bottle’ preparations you can buy.
Two messed up men
That would ensure Obama always has a golf partner and he can always steal Boehner’s cigarettes.
And here I thought the perfect 2016 ticket was Michelle Obama and Valerie Jarrett.
Hitlery, eat your heart out (If you have one.)
Reblogged this on wwlee4411 and commented:
He’s not interested in photo-ops/selfies? HA! When did he stop being a narcisisst?
Some may think this post a joke. But there is some scary implications in it. Biden is the joke, and Obama would try to solidify his monarchy by “reaching” across the aisle (a short reach).
Boehner could be angling for the job himself …
Like in “Pick me, Coach, pick me! Put me in! Screw Biden! I’ll take responsibility for something!”
You have Boehner down to a T.
If someone you have never met becomes a drug using prostitute, that is sad and a shame — but if it happens with someone you love, it is a personal tragedy.
When I think about what the Democratic party has become, it saddens me — but when I think about how the Republican party has become just like the Dems, well… it is a tragedy.