On Air At 10:20 AM Eastern

With WJR Radio Detroit’s Frank Beckmann

WJR – Detroit, MI – Listen Online

_Jim uploaded a recording here :

WJR 2014 – 07 – 02 1025AM SteveGoddard ReadScience Proc02

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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25 Responses to On Air At 10:20 AM Eastern

  1. Bryan Wiley says:

    Congrats – WJR is around the corner from me (figuratively). Look forward to hearing ya.

  2. Glacierman says:

    Frank Beckman is a good guy and very up to speed on the AGW issue. This should be good. I will be listening. Maybe you could become a regular? That would be good.

  3. D. Self says:

    Frank is great. I listen to him when I can. In the UP so I will check WJR on line.

  4. omanuel says:

    Congratulations! You have accomplished your mission. Now keep the ego in check – an almost impossible task for us mortals.

  5. _Jim says:

    Done – went well.

  6. Glacierman says:

    Good job Tony. Are you sticking with Steven Goddard for public appearances?

    • No, I didn’t coordinate anything with them. They just set a time and called me up 30 seconds ahead. It apparently was delayed as a co-worker was still listening when I walked back into the office.

      • Glacierman says:

        Hope you appear more. WJR is listened to by most people with a brain in the Great Lakes region. At least until 5:00 pm when they tune out for a few hours.

      • kbray in california says:

        Do you have new contact info we can pass along to the appropriate media regarding radio interviews?

  7. kbray in california says:

    Very professional.
    Well done !

  8. _Jim says:

    May have a recording of this uploaded to Sound Cloud in a few minutes …

  9. _Jim says:

    Someone may want to see how this ‘streams out’ – I uploaded a wav file, might should have converted to an MP3 first. Note, there is lead-in commentary by Frank Beckmann.

    Steve Goddard on WJR radio 10:25 AM EDT 7-02-2014


  10. Andy DC says:

    Damn, I missed that! But congratulations!

  11. gofer says:

    Great to have a voice associated with the man whom I’ve been reading for years. Great presentation…….soldier onward.

  12. pwl says:

    Good to finally hear you Steve.

    Spelling error on mp3 title, “readscience”… minor typo. Also the radio announcer mentioned the wrong website url for your site.


  13. Joseph says:

    Good stuff, Steve. Keep it up.

  14. 4TimesAYear says:

    Reblogged this on 4timesayear's Blog.

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